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IronPDF for .NET 2023.1 Crack

Net for Crack 2023.1
2023-09-14 09:13:47 时间

IronPDF for .NET

IronPDF for .NET allows developers to create PDF documents easily in C#, F#, and VB.Net for .NET Core and .NET Framework. You can choose simple HTML, or incorporate CSS, images and JavaScript. IronPDF rendering closely follows Google Chrome.

IronPDF for .NET 2023.1

Adds support for executing custom JavaScript after an HTML render.

January 13, 2023 - 10:58 New Version


  • Added support for executing custom JavaScript after an HTML render.
  • Disk caching is now enabled by default and set to temp folder path.
  • Deprecated 'FitPaperModes.None' and added 'FitPaperModes.Zoom'.
  • Replaced 'System.Drawing.Common' with 'IronSoftware.Drawing' in Microsoft .NET Standard 2.0 projects.


IronPDF Features

Create PDF documents using:

  • HTML Strings and Templates.
  • ASPX WebForms.
  • MVC Views.
  • HTML documents.
  • or from any URL.

HTML to PDF Supports:

  • Full and high fidelity HTML 4 and HTML 5 rendering.
  • CSS 3.
  • JavaScript.
  • Image assets.
  • SVG assets.
  • Icon Fonts (Fontello, Bootstrap, FontAwesome).
  • Responsive layouts.
  • External stylesheets and assets (http https or filesystem).
  • Static and multithreaded rendering.
  • Loading URLS using with custom:
    • Network login credentials.
    • UserAgents.
    • Proxies...