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MindFusion.WPF Pack 2022.R2 Crack

WPF 2022 Crack R2 pack
2023-09-14 09:13:47 时间

MindFusion.WPF Pack 2022.R2

MindFusion.WPF 2022.R2 Pack includes diagramming, scheduling, reporting charting and gauge controls that can be used to create all types of flowcharts, schemes, graphs, tables, calendars, schedules, business reports and more.  MindFusion.WPF Pack contains the following individual products: MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF, MindFusion.Charting for WPF, MindFusion.Scheduling for WPF, MindFusion.Spreadsheet for WPF, MindFusion Virtual Keyboard for WPF, MindFusion.Reporting for WPF and MindFusion.Gauges for WPF.

Diagramming adds new 'PatternRouter' class which selects the shortest path when routing links.

December 14, 2022 - 11:11 New Version


New in MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

  • Pattern router - Added new PatternRouter class which routes links. If there are several possible paths, the router selects the shortest one.
  • Composite router - The CompositeRouter class lets you chain routers so a link passes through the sequence until it gets routed successfully.
  • SvgExporter improvements
    • Opacity is now set as SVG 'opacity' attribute.
    • FontWeight is now set as SVG 'font-weight' attribute.
    • SvgExporter now sets more precise font size.
  • SvgNode improvements
    • Added 'ContentAutoBounds' property which specifies whether to calculate content bounds from SVG element coordinates, or to honor the drawing's viewbox.
    • SvgNode now displays bitmaps embedded in SVG content.
    • SvgNode now supports dashed lines in SVG content.
  • Added new grouping types
    • Attach to the fractional position of a main node and keep the attached node's size.
    • Implement custom group positioning.
    • Attach a node to a point from a link's geometry (not necessarily a control point).
  • Miscellaneous
    • Disabling AvoidOverlaps property of RoutingOptions now lets you create routes with overlapping segments.
    • EnableParallelism and MaxDegreeOfParallelism layout properties are now available in CoreCLR assemblies (Microsoft .NET Core 3 and 5+ versions).
    • Intersect methods have been changed to 'public virtual' to allow them to be overriden in custom item classes.
    • Added property which allows you to set interactive row/column resize mode that preserves total grid size by subtracting resize amount from lane adjacent to the resized one.