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Aspose.3D for .NET 22.12.X Crack

Net for Crack
2023-09-14 09:13:47 时间

Aspose.3D  for .NET
.NET 3D File Manipulation APIs
Read, Write, Manipulate and Convert 3D file formats within any .NET-based application.

Aspose.3D for .NET is a feature-rich Gameware and Computer-Aided-Designing (CAD) API to manipulate documents without any 3D modeling and rendering software dependencies. API supports Discreet3DS, WavefrontOBJ, FBX (ASCII, Binary), STL (ASCII, Binary), Universal3D, Collada, glTF, GLB, PLY, DirectX, Google Draco file formats and more. Developers can create, read, convert, modify and control the substance of 3D document formats easily.


Aspose.3D for .NET API is user-friendly and can be deployed with any .NET application as easy as copying it without worrying about other services and modules that are installed already.

At a
Supported File
Aspose.3D for .NET supports famous 3D file formats.

Autodesk: FBX 7.2 to 7.5 (ASCII/Binary)
3D Systems CAD: STL (ASCII/Binary)
Wavefront: OBJ
Discreet 3D Studio: 3DS
Universal3D: U3D
Collada: DAE
GL Transmission: glTF (ASCII/Binary)
Google Draco: DRC
RVM (Text/Binary)
Portable Document Format: PDF
Others: AMF, PLY (ASCII/Binary), A3DW

Input Only
DirectX: X (ASCII/Binary)
Siemens: JT
3MF (3D Manufacturing Format)
Output Only
FBX Manipulation API
for .NET
Advanced .NET 3D API Features
Create 3D scene & save in the supported formatLoad, save & convert files to a streamWork with geometry & scene hierarchyShare mesh geometry data between multiple nodesAdd animation property to scene documentTriangulate a Mesh with Custom Memory Layout of the VertexAdd a Target Camera in SceneAnimate Objects in a SceneSplit Meshes by MaterialRender a 3D View in the Image FormatCast and Receive Shadows on GeometriesAllow change plane's orientationsEnhance the creation of cylinderAdded vulkan renderer supportCreate geometry by extruding shapesUV atlas algorithm supportSupport for standard 3d printing format AMFFBX import and Binary write supportExport and import glTF files with draco compression3D File Format Conversion
Aspose.3d for .NET provides an array of advanced algorithms that makes it an all-in-one solution for 3D file format conversion. The conversion process is as simple as changing the file extension to the desired format. All you need to do is to load the source file in an instance of Scene, and call its Save method with an appropriate FileFormat parameter. That's it!

Save 3D scene in different formats - C#
// load the file to be converted

var scn = new Aspose.ThreeD.Scene(dir + "template.fbx");

// save in different formats

scn.Save(dir + "output.stl", Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat.STLASCII);

scn.Save(dir + "output.obj", Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat.WavefrontOBJ);
3D Scenes Creation
Aspose.3D for .NET empowers programmers to easily generate scenes from scratch without needing to install any 3D modeling or rendering software. The 3D .NET API also enables to save the scenes in formats (FBX, STL, WavefrontOBJ, Discreet3DS, Universal3D and Collada) by calling the Save method of the Scene class object.

Add Asset Information to 3D Scene
Metadata is structured information that describes, locates and makes it easier to retrieve, use and manage an information resource. Aspose.3D for .NET API allows developers to define Metadata for the scene.

Create 3D Mesh & Graphic Shapes
.NET 3D library allows the developers to build a mesh of various 3D geometric shapes, define control points and polygons in the simplest way to create meshes and point a mesh to multiple instances of a shape type. Developers can also place 3D shapes anywhere on the 3D scene.

Share Mesh Geometry Data with Multiple Nodes
To reduce memory necessities, a single instance of Mesh can be bound to various instances of Node. Envision that you require a system where a large number of 3D cubes seemed to be indistinguishable; you could spare memory by making one Mesh object when the system begins up. At that point, each time you require another shape, you make another Node object, then point that node to one Mesh. This is how API manages instancing.

Triangulate Mesh with Custom Memory Layout of Vertex
Convert a mesh to the triangle mesh because any complex structure can be represented as a bunch of triangles. The graphic software packages and hardware devices operate more efficiently on triangles. The memory layout of Vertex is also important to feed the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) because the GPU must also know about the vertex layout in order to extract correct attributes from the buffer.

Independent of any External Software Installation
Aspose.3D API is built using managed code that never depends on any external API or software installation on the machine to work with 3D files. It is a perfectly customized solution in terms of supported features, security, stability, scalability, speed and price.