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VectorDraw VectorDraw

2023-09-14 09:13:46 时间

VectorDraw Developer Framework (VDF) is an easy to program SDK component that every developer need to easily create and manage and print 2D and 3D drawings in his applications. Its objects expose methods and properties that are compatible with most common vector formats and other CAD objects. Supports over 10 vector formats and many raster formats and has the ability to export drawings to PDF. It is fully object oriented (OOP) .NET 2 ready and includes ActiveX component , read more...

VectorCADEx Sample
C# project (source code) CAD Editor
VectorCADEx (vdfCAD) is a professional drawing CAD editor with source code available, written in C# 2005 that uses VDF libraries version 6009 and above. This makes VectorCADEx an excellent base platform that can be easy tailored by the developer to suit his needs. It can be localized in any language and can have add-ons made by the developer.

The source code is provided for free to all the VDF subscribers and can be used as a "base project" so the developer can add new features and utilities.

VectorDraw Developer Framework (VDF) is a graphics engine-library that can be used from developers in order to visualize their applications. With the functionality provided, our customers can easily create, edit, manage, export, import and print 2d and 3d drawings - graphic files. A powerful format used by VDF named VDML (and VDCL same as VDML but compressed) XML based that supports custom objects and is not depended from the component's version. The library also supports for import-export several vector and  raster formats including native PDF and SVG export.

The version 6 engine is written from the scratch and is completely new. The geometric algorithms are re-written giving better and faster results. The whole component is in managed .NET 2005 C# code and also a ActiveX component is produced that works as a wrapper to the .NET component for backward compatibility for older development platforms like VisualBasic 6.0 and Delphi.


If you are already a VDF client you should download the Full version of this setup even if you want to evaluate this product.

The full installation of all VectorDraw Developers Framework and Ray Tracing in evaluation mode. This setup is intended only for new Vectordraw users. This setup is a full solution that includes VectorDraw Developers framework and also vdRay add-on library. Includes also help.