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Foxit PDF SDK 8.4 for Windows (Java Library)

JAVAWindowsPDFSDK for library 8.4
2023-09-14 09:13:44 时间

Foxit PDF SDK 8.4 for Windows (Java Library)-All Platforms Supported

Build on a modern tech stack that integrates tightly with the platform you’re working on. We continuously improve our products and they gain new features every release.

We grow with you as your requirements change and your project evolves.


Out of Memory Management
The Out of Memory Management (OOM) feature will ensure that the SDK automatically recovers from any anomalous events with minimal effect to the users experience.

Superior font handling
Foxit’s superior font matching algorithm can accurately determine which substitute most closely resembles the original non-embedded font and uses that to display the text.

Optimized for mobile
Foxit Software is probably best known for its small, fast and lightweight Foxit Reader app, which matches Adobe Reader’s rendering quality

Foxit PDF SDK v8.4.0
This is a minor release

____New API____
* Support for Mac ARM with M1 processor.
* Full support python and python wheels on Windows, Linux, and Mac. 

____New Features/Changes____
* Support for generating tables in PDF
    Relevant API: foxit.addon.TableGenerator Class 
* Auto tags PDFs and sets the alternative text for images.  
    Relevant API: addon: accessibility.
* SDK is now thread-safe code except for OCR-related APIs. 
* office2PDF supports Linux.
* New parameter to scale the annotations and form fields. 
    Relevant API: PDFPage.Transform()
* New interface to turn on /off to simulate overprinting
    Relevant API: pdf.OutputPreview.EnableSimulateOverprint()
* New interface to notify changes when setting new field values.
    Relevant API: ActionCallback::OnFieldValueChanged
* New flag to support for comparing annotation only. 
    Relevant APIs: Comparison::DoCompare()
* Support for importing form fields from a template-based FDF file. 
    Relevant API: PDFDoc::ImportFromFDF()
* Updated the output type of the PagingSealSignature as a signature instead of annotation.
* Optimize the cloud annotation to make the cloudy intensity generated by SDK appear same in other PDF editors. 
* The function OCRPDFDocuments() supports multiprocessing.
* The minimum support for the Linux GCC compiler version was upgraded to 4.9.4.

* New Demo for stamping with paging seal.
* New demo for form recognition.
* New demo for auto tagging PDF
* New Demo for fill&sign
* New Demo for Creating table.

* New Developer Guide for Python

____Bug Fixes____
* Fixed crash after several failures to load PDF files in .Net framework.
* Fixed an issue where the cloneBitmap gets the image with incorrect color space from the graphic image object.
* Fixed an issue where color pixels appeared when rendering black text in DIB format rgb or rgb32.
* Fixed an issue where certain Unicode characters rendered improperly when they were placed as annotations.
* Fixed an issue where XFA files failed to render on certain pages. 
* Fixed the "std:regex_error" when setting telephone number on a form field in Linux. 
* Fixed an issue where the viewer would move the page when selecting multiple lines of text in a Text Field in the .Net ViewDemo. 
* Fixed an issue where the cursor position could not be moved using the arrow keys in the .Net ViewDemo.
* Fixed the crashes or freezes due to increased memory when calling get "GetUserPermissions()" and "GetSignature()" using multithreading in Windows .Net Core.
* [PrintManager] Fixed an issue where the entire page was shrank to half the page when printing some PDF pages in Windows .Net.
* Fixed an issue where signing a document with existing signature fields breaks all previous signatures and PDF/A compliance in .Net.
* Fixed the exception when setting Arabic text into bookmark title in Linux.
* Fixed an issue where the NSimsun font could not be embedded. 

Foxit PDF SDK v8.3.2
This is a maintenance release

____Bug Fixes____
* [PrintManager] Fixed error when printing certain multi-page documents with the Ricoh 9001 printer. 
* [.Net] Fixed crash when getting textmatrix (text transformation text) from TextState.   
* [Demo] Fixed exception when printing a specific document through pdfprint demo.
* Fixed issue where named destinations are lost after merging documents.
* Fixed issue when using the StartExtractPages to extract pages from a tagged PDF, the resulting document does not contain the 'markinfo' flag. 
* Fixed issue when the destination name is null, the GoToR action resolves to a wrong named destination. 
* Fixed the rendering issue when the PDF page contains one bpp images with masks.
* Fixed issue where the text in the document became distorted and the page size changed after OCR recognition. 
* Fixed issue where the font embedding increased the resulting file size.
* Fixed issue where the arialbd.ttf bold can not be rendered when calling Field.SetDefaultAppearance to set the ap.  

* Optimize the cloud annotation to make the cloudy intensity generated by SDK appear same in other PDF editors.   

* New Developer guide for Python.
* DotNet Core Developer guide added new FAQ article: How to run simple demo in .Net 6.

Foxit PDF SDK v8.3.1
This is a maintenance release

* Improved PDF optimization ratio by optimizing embedded font and XRefStream. 

____Bug Fixes____
* [HTML2PDF] Fixed issue where no exception thrown when setting invalid parameters. 
* [PrintManager] The highlight annotation color becomes opaque in the printed output without enabling "Print as Image".. 
* [PrintManager] The process is still running after the app is closed in .Net framework.  
* [PrintManager] Fixed printing issue where the output is blank with 'print as bitmap' enabled. 
* The incorrect appearance after setting the field value which has shared AP streams  
* Fixed printing issue with multi-threading in .Net framework. 
* Fixed Form ListBox issue where the item is not selected when gaining focus.
* Fixed issue where GetPageText function returns garbles when extracting Hebrew text in .NetCore framework.
* On a specific documents missing page objects, calling getAnnotAtPoint function causes a crash issue.  
* [Python] Fixed ImportErorr issue where the demo is not actually running when running the demo with rundemo_python3.py.

Foxit PDF SDK v8.3
This is a minor release
____New API____
* Python API for Windows
Currently, we only release the windows version based on python 2.7 and python 3.9. Please contact us if other versions are required.

____New Features____
* Freetext annotations fully support text-overflow
    Related API: foxit::pdf::annots::FreeText::AllowTextOverflow
* Seal signature support
    Related Class: foxit::pdf::PagingSealSignature
* A new flag to show all document comparison result's layers
    Related API: foxit::addon::comparison::Comparison::GenerateComparedDoc
* Support Image field
* Set layer name for combination
* 1bbp RGB support for Image.AddFrame() Method
    Related info:enum foxit::common::Bitmap::DIBFormat 
* Specify input encoding format for HTML file's HTML2PDF conversion
    Related API:
    enum foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData::HTML2PDFEncodingFormat
* Add a flag to set whether to print background for HTML2PDF
    Related info: enum foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData::HTML2PDFMediaStyle
* Add headers and footers customization for HTML2PDF conversion
    Related API:foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData 
* Options to turn off the capture of images for HTML2PDF
    Related API:foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData
* Options to decide whether to optimize tags for HTML2PDF
    Related API:foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData 
* Add option to Remove underline decoration of hyperlinks for HTML2PDF
    Related API:foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData 
* Enhance JavaScript Support

* Add more timestamp illustrations to the Signature Demo
* Add Sound annotation illustrations to the Annotation demo
* A print demo  for .NET CORE

____Bug Fixes____
* Some XFA refresh issue
* An issue when passed empty MenuListArray to foxit::ActionCallback::PopupMenu
* Some issues related to JavaScript
* Files size issue when inserting png files to PDF
* Issue of input as "xxx-xxx-xxxx" for phone number format Form Field
* Issue of PDFtoXML feature while file path included "\\"
* Issue of flattening a file included multi-signature field

Foxit PDF SDK v8.2
This is a minor release
____New Features____
* The TOC was added a new configuration option to set if to include the catalog page. 
    Relevant API:    foxit::pdf::TableOfContentsConfig::TableOfContentsConfig();  
                    void foxit::pdf::TableOfContentsConfig::Set()
* Extend office2PDF support for conversion on Windows/Linux ARMv8 based on WPS Engine
* New Timestamp callback function which supports customers to connect own custom timestamp services 
    Relevant class: foxit::pdf::TimeStampCallback Class
*  New XFADoc::ImportData() implementation to import  XFA data (XML/XDP) from memory. 
    Relevant API:  Relevant API:  foxit::addon::xfa::XFADoc::ImportData
* Get user's input data when invalid value is added to form field
    Relevant API:  foxit::pdf::interform::FillerAssistCallback::ReportInvalidValue
* Support PDF2XML: ConvertPDF to XML
    Relevant API: static bool foxit::addon::conversion::Convert::ToXML()
* Support page scaling setting for HTML2PDF Conversion
    Relevant API: foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData::HTML2PDFScalingMode 
* New functions to get all annotation objects at a specific coordinate point
    Relevant API:
        annots::Annot foxit::pdf::PDFPage::GetAnnotsAtPoint
        annots::Annot foxit::pdf::PDFPage::GetAnnotsAtDevicePoint
* New color mode 'Render grayscale' for SetJobColor() to allow for Black&White printing for "PrintManager" module 

* Optimize API StartImportPages() performance
* Optimize bookmark iteration performance
* Add e_FlagShareImageStream flag to reduce memory consumption when adding image watermarks into PDF
* Optimize Get Text function

* New Demo to show how to convert TXT file to PDF document
* New Demo to show how to create annotations using lower-level APIs
* Image2PDF simple_demo adds sample code to demonstrate how to insert png, jbi2.jpx and jp2 image onto page.

____Bug Fixes____
* Fixed the CCITT compression issue for compressing bitonal images.
* SetLogFile() function now uses appending mode instead of rewriting mode to add data to the log file.
* PDF2PDFA conversion suspends when converting specific files
* PDF2PDFA conversion crashes when converting specific files
* JavaScript call to Field.setFocus() throws an exception
* Incorrect text result from TextObject::GetText() API for specific files on .NET platform
*.NET View Demo glitch, jumping to the beginning of the page when zooming in/out
* TextObject::GetRect().width returning incorrect measurement result 
* Miscellaneous bugsrelated to PrintManager
* html2pdf processes can't be killed after idling for a specific time
*.NET method ExportToFDF raises an exception when the PDF document has some empty pages
* e_PageModeSinglePage doesn't work for some specific URLson HTML2PDF Conversion
* Incorrect character code retrieved for specific type3font
* Some InkList points are ignored when EIA appearance is generated
* Fixed a print issue for a specific file.
* Text by appearance order displayed incorrect by TextPage.GetText API.

Foxit PDF SDK v8.1
This is a minor release

____New Features____
* Java API for Mac Platform
* Added .NET Core target to Nuget Package "Foxit.SDK.Dotnet"
* HTML to PDF Conversion exports as stream 
    Related API: foxit::addon::conversion::Convert::FromHTML
* Page Template support
    Related class:PDFPage foxit::pdf::PDFDoc::AddPageFromTemplate
* Automatic Form Field Reconigtion 
    Related API: common::Progressive foxit::pdf::PDFDoc::StartRecognizeForm
* FillSignObject::Move support to move Text object
* Additional capabilities select, cut, copy, paste, delete for Text Field/Combo Box callbacks
    Related Class: foxit::pdf::interform::FillerAssistCallback
* New identity properties class added to the Action callback
    Related Class/API:
* Add multi-line text string to a page
    Related API: bool foxit::pdf::PDFPage::AddText
* "Deferred" and "Future" status for annotation
    related enum: foxit::pdf::annots::Markup::State
* New option to show the level of outline when generating the TOC page
    Related API: void foxit::pdf::PDFDoc::AddTableOfContents ( const TableOfContentsConfig & table_of_contents_config )
* Line Spacing entry for text form fields
    Related API:
        void foxit::pdf::annots::Widget::SetLineSpacing
* Method to remove an annoataton popup dialog
        related API: bool foxit::pdf::annots::Markup::RemovePopup ( )
* Enhance the performance of path object generation
* Enhance the FormFill feature to support Social security number formatting
* Optimized the memory usage for signature.startVerify verification method in multi-thread usage
* Enhance the performance of foxit::pdf::interform::Field::GetControlCount()
* Enhance the excel to pdf conversion for specific Excel documents
* Enhance graphic_objects demo  for JAVA, Objective-C, .NET, C
* Enhance Insert GraphicsObject Method

____Bug fixes____
* Incorrect merge behavior on ImportPage method
* Header&Footer feature incorrect page margin adjustments
* Rendering issue when SetRenderEnhanceThinLines method is set to true
* An add Image issue for special files
* Dynamic stamps incorrect display 
* Ink signature displayed inconsistently for special files
* ResetAppearanceStream() throws an exception when an ink annotation with FXInkType set to "PSI" width is smaller than 1.0
* .NET Print Manager printer issues

Foxit PDF SDK v8.0
This is a major release
____New Features____
* New Platform: ARM support on Linux
* New flag to verify a PDF document's permission before adding a signature.
    Related API:  foxit::pdf::Signature foxit::pdf::PDFPage::AddSignature
* Support page-break property onHTMLtoPDF conversion feature
* Create bookmarks on HTMLtoPDF conversion supported
    Related API:void foxit::addon::conversion::HTML2PDFSettingData::Set
* Automatic text overflow option supported on callout annotation resize
    Related API: void foxit::pdf::annots::FreeText::AllowTextOverflow
* CSV format supported for Form Data export
    Related API:foxit::pdf::interform::Form::ExportToCSV
* Form Design Assistant – Show/Hide suggested locations for form fields
    Related APIs:  foxit::pdf::PDFPage::GetSuggestedRect
* Support enable/disable highlight for signature fields
    Related API: void foxit::pdf::interform::Filler::HighlightFormFields
* Get/Set RichText formatting on Text Fields
* Sort and Commit values on ListBox fields
    Related APIs:  enum foxit::pdf::interform::Field::Flags
* Get the image resource of annotation
    Related APIs:  Screen::GetBitmap
* Set whether to display Text Field Overflow Indicator
    Related APIfoxit::pdf::interform::Filler::ShowOverflowIndicator
* Add Print Manger module to Foxit PDF SDK For .NET

* Improvements to Graphic_Objects demo(C++) example project
* Improvements to compliance example project
* Improvements to watermark example project
* Improvements to page_organization example project

*  New option to enhance rendering of zero-width line 
* Support displaying barcode appearance text field
* Improve performance of method "Watermark.InsertToPage"
* Provide NuGet package for Windows .Net SDK
* Enhance PSI annotations
* Enhance rendering performance of some XFA documents
* Enhance Text Search feature
* Enhance SubmitForm action

____Bug fixes____
* Bug fixes on OCR Java example project
* Bug fixes on signing PDFs in multi-thread 
* TXT to PDF conversion bug fixes

Foxit PDF SDK v7.6
This is a minor release
____New Features____
* Support HTML2PDF on Linux
* TXT to PDF conversion
    Related API:
        static void foxit::addon::conversion::Convert::FromTXT ( const wchar_t * src_txt,const wchar_t * saved_pdf_path,const TXT2PDFSettingData & setting_data)
        foxit::addon::conversion::TXT2PDFSettingData::TXT2PDFSettingData(float page_width, float page_height, RectF page_margin, const common::Font &font, float text_size, ARGB text_color, float linespace, bool is_break_page)
* Insert page(s) as the table of contents to the front of the current PDF document.
    Related API: 
        void foxit::pdf::PDFDoc::AddTableOfContents ( const wchar_t * title, Int32Array bookmark_level_array )
        int foxit::pdf::PDFDoc::GetBookmarkLevelDepth()
* Annotation Summary
    Related class: foxit::pdf::AnnotationSummary Class
* Portfolio Support
    Related class: foxit::pdf::portfolio
* Get the color value of the specific Component of a Separation space
    Related API: 
        RGB foxit::pdf::OutputPreview::GetSpotPlateColor ( const char * plate_name )
* New API to set DPI limit for image compressing feature
    Related API: 
        foxit::addon::optimization::ImageSettings::SetImageDPILimit(int dpi_limit)
        foxit::addon::optimization::MonoImageSettings::SetImageDPILim(int dpi_limit)
* PrintManager:Choose paper source by PDF page size (For Windows C++ Only)
* New API to set the count of graphics objects to be rendered in one step during progressive rendering process. 
    Related API: 
        static void foxit::common::Library::SetRenderConfig (const RenderConfig & render_config)
        static RenderConfig foxit::common::Library::GetRenderConfig ()
* New API to set whether to use down-sampling for jpx image when rending a page.
    Related API:
        void foxit::common::Renderer::SetJPXDownSample (bool is_jpx_down_sample)
* Add a BrowserFile callback API to   foxit::ActionCallback 
    Related API:
        virtual WString foxit::ActionCallback::BrowseFile ( bool is_open_dialog, const wchar_t * file_format,const wchar_t * file_filter) 
* Support to get/set Text formatting data for Markup Annotations
    Related class:  foxit::pdf::annots::Markup:***RichText
* New API to Construct annotation by annotation dictionary only
    Related API:
        annots::Annot foxit::pdf::PDFPage::AddAnnot ( objects::PDFDictionary * annot_dict )
* API to set/get form control alignment
    Related API:
        void foxit::pdf::interform::Control::SetAlignment ( common::Alignment alignment )
        common::Alignment foxit::pdf::interform::Control::GetAlignment()
* New API to NormalizePage 
    Related API:bool foxit::pdf::PDFPage::Normalize ()
* API to get the specific ponint of a path
    Related class: foxit::pdf::SnapPointMgr
* Support to set/Get "Field is used for file selection" and "Check Spelling" for Text field flag
    Related enum:
* Support get/set measure properties for circle and square annotation
    Related API:
        String foxit::pdf::annots::Circle::GetMeasureRatio()

        void foxit::pdf::annots::Circle::SetMeasureRatio( const char * ratio)
        void foxit::pdf::annots::Square::SetMeasureRatio( const char * ratio)

        void foxit::pdf::annots::Square::SetMeasureUnit(MeasureType measure_type)
        void foxit::pdf::annots::Circle::SetMeasureUnit(MeasureType measure_type)

        WString foxit::pdf::annots::Square::GetMeasureUnitW (MeasureType measure_type)
        WString foxit::pdf::annots::Circle::GetMeasureUnitW (MeasureType measure_type)

* New Profolio Demo
* Set the flag print by default so the annotation inserted by the demo will be print by default.
* PDF layer demo adds the sample of insert objects from another PDF  to a specific layer 
* Add the screen annotation sample for the annotation demo.

* Adjust the logical relationship of rendering annotation and form
* Abandon Ltvverifier mode ETSI
    Remove enum value e_VerifyModeETS

____Bug fixes____
* A GC release issue for Java
* An issue related to "RMSSecurityCallback" method
* Whitespace missing in annotation rich text content if appearance is reset
* Error  when opening the special doc flattened by Foxit SDK with Adobe
* Access Violation exception issue of add free-text annotation using the font from a file
* A Crash issue of PDF2PDFA for a special file
* CreationDate is missing in annotation added using Javascript
* An issue related to Print Manager(Windows C++ Only)

Foxit PDF SDK v7.5.1 for Windows Java
This is a maintenance release
Fixed a memory leak issue when PDFDoc is loaded from buffer.

Foxit PDF SDK v7.5
This is a minor release

____New API Support____
* Layout Recognition Add-on supported on all platforms
* Set method for text Label on Signature Form Field
    Related API:
        void foxit::pdf::Signature::SetKeyLabel (LabelName label_name, const wchar_t * label_value )
        WString foxit::pdf::Signature::GetKeyLabel(LabelName label_name)
* Provide API to support MoveObject
    Related API:
        POSITION foxit::pdf::GraphicsObjects::MoveGraphicsObjectByPosition(POSITION current_position,POSITION position_move_after)
        POSITION foxit::pdf::GraphicsObjects::GetGraphicsObjectPosition (graphics::GraphicsObject *raphics_object)
* HTML to PDF conversion now supports loading cookies straight from memory (Windows only)
    Related API:
        static void  void foxit::addon::conversion::Convert::FromHTML(CONSTCWSTR src_html, CONSTCWSTR engine_path, common::file::ReaderCallback* cookies_reader, const HTML2PDFSettingData& setting_data, CONSTCWSTR saved_pdf_path, int32 timeout);
* Embedded fonts supported on Header/Footer creation
    Related API:
        Added following member to  foxit::pdf::HeaderFooter Class:
        /** @brief A boolean value that decides whether to embed font or not. */
        bool is_embed_font;
        /** @brief A boolean value that decides whether to underline text or not. */
        bool is_underline;
*  Support Rich text for FreeText Annotations
    Related Class/API:
        foxit::pdf::RichTextStyle Class
        WString foxit::pdf::annots::Markup::GetRichTextContent(int32 index)
        int32 foxit::pdf::annots::Markup::GetRichTextCount()
        RichTextStyle foxit::pdf::annots::Markup::GetRichTextStyle(int32 index)
        void foxit::pdf::annots::Markup::RemoveRichText(int index)
        void foxit::pdf::annots::Markup::InsertRichText(int32 index,const WString & content,const RichTextStyle & style )
*  Method to enable/disable bezier curve when setting ink (pencil) annotation's appearance
    related API:
        void foxit::pdf::annots::Ink::EnableUseBezier(bool use_bezier)

*  Improvements to document comparison demo

* Enhance the subset the embedded fonts to support all kinds of Type0 font
* New exception on SetChecked or SetDefaultChecked methods for Combo box field
*  Improvements on JavaScript API for adding annotation and normalizing rect coordinates

____Bug fixes____
* UniqueID missing from Annotation added via JavaScript issue fixed
* Snagit printers font style issues resolved
* Crash caused by Incorrect page parsing when font mapping is enabled fixed
* Resolved error caused by incorrect parameter when importing specificXFDF file
* generateContent method displays incorrect characters on specific files 
* XFA form flattening issues resolved
* Crash when inserting pages using AES256 encryption
* Resolved issues on signature callback failing to triggered in specific scenarios

Foxit PDF SDK v7.4 for Windows with PrintManager Extensions (C++Package)
Print Manager:
-A powerful printing SDK developed especially for Foxit PDF SDK, Print Manager provides a series of specialized APIs for making printing documents easier, more accessible and flexible.

Foxit PDF SDK v7.4
This is a minor release
____New API Support____
* Provide C API SDK Version for Windows

____New Features____
* PPT to PDF Feature for Conversion Add-on (Windows Only)
    Related Class: foxit::addon::conversion::PowerPoint2PDFSettingData
* Layout Recognition Add-on for C++ And Java API
    Name space :foxit::addon::layoutrecognition
* Get the name of color separation and Support Rendering PDF with Color separation (OutPut Preview)
    Relateds API:
        static void foxit::common::Library::SetDefaultICCProfilesPath ( const wchar_t * icc_profile_folder_path )
        bool foxit::common::ColorSpace::IsSpotColorSpace ( ) const
        StringArray foxit::common::ColorSpace::GetComponentNames ( ) const
    Related Class: 
* Provide High Level API for PDF Combination
    Related class: foxit::pdf::Combination
* Provide API to deep Clone a PDF Object
    Related API:  PDFObject* foxit::pdf::objects::PDFObject::DeepCloneObject ( ) const
*  Set method for first character index on Document level Search feature
    Related API:
        bool foxit::pdf::TextSearch::SetStartCharacter(int char_index)

* New flags for performing Document level Text Search according to stream order or appearance order
    Related API: 
        foxit::pdf::TextSearch::TextSearch ( const PDFDoc & document,SearchCancelCallback * cancel = 0,int flags = foxit::pdf::TextPage::e_ParseTextNormal )

* Fill and Sign feature API 
    Related class:
* New Get method for retrieving GraphicObjects in a specific rectangle 
    Related API:
        graphics::GraphicsObjectArray foxit::pdf::PDFPage::GetGraphicsObjectsAtRectangle ( const RectF & rect,graphics::GraphicsObject::Type filter = graphics::GraphicsObject::e_TypeAll )
        graphics::GraphicsObject* foxit::pdf::PDFPage::GetGraphicsObjectAtRectangle ( const RectF & rect, graphics::GraphicsObject::Type filter = graphics::GraphicsObject::e_TypeAll ) const

* Output_preview Demo for rendering PDF with color separation  
* Layout Recognition Demo
* Provide a Simple Demo for Header&Footer Feature
* Enhance ImagetoPDF Demo:  Set the PDF page size  by using the image's width&height
* Added PPT to PDF feature to office2PDF Demo

* Enhance the watermark feature 
* Enhance the JS feature
*Enhance the print effect for PDF file containing FormField

____Bug Fixed____
*  Fixed a crash issue for a special file containing JavaScript code

____API Changes____
*  The following APIs from Markup Annotation class were replaced:
    int GetStateAnnotCount(StateModel model);
    Note GetStateAnnot(StateModel model, int index);
    Note AddStateAnnot(StateModel model, State state);
* New APIs added to Markup Annotation class:
    NoteArray GetStateAnnots(StateModel model);
    Note AddStateAnnot(const WString& title, StateModel model, State state);
* The following APIs have been deprecated:
    Matrix foxit::pdf::annots::FreeText::GetTextMatrix ( ) const
    void foxit::pdf::annots::FreeText::SetRotation ( common::Rotation rotation )

Foxit PDF SDK v7.3.0.0730
This is a hot fix release

* Fixed incorrect naming for compression format type: e_ImageCompressJPEG2 to e_ImageCompressJBIG2