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Aspose.PDF for Java 2022.08 Crack

JAVAPDF for Crack Aspose
2023-09-14 09:13:47 时间

Aspose.PDF for Java is a fast and lightweight processing API to create, modify, render, secure as well as print PDF files without the use of Adobe Acrobat. API also supports working with TXT, HTML, PCL, XML, XPS and image file formats.

Aspose.PDF for Java is an affordably priced, feature-rich API that offers table creation and manipulation, compression options, graph support, image functions, extensive hyperlink functionality, custom font handling, and extended security controls. Moreover, developers can create PDF files directly using API or via XML templates and can manage form fields embedded in the documents as well as create forms.

Convert PDF to Different Formats

Aspose.PDF for Java allows converting PDF to any of different supported formats like Word, HTML, PowerPoint, etc within Java applications is easy with just a few lines of code.

Save PDF in various formats - Java

// load the document

Document pdoc = new Document(dir + "template.pdf");

// Convert to DOCX, HTML and PPTX

pdoc.save(dir + "output.docx", SaveFormat.DocX);

pdoc.save(dir + "output.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

pdoc.save(dir + "output.html", SaveFormat.Html);

Dynamically Manage PDF Files

Aspose.PDF for Java API not only creates files from scratch but also manipulates and saves documents to multiple formats including PDF/A compliant documents. Moreover, API also supports PDF generation from XML, PCL or image files.

Few of the files manipulation capabilities of API are table creation, specifying the table width, margin information, padding, row span, column-span, default cell text and much more. Nested tables, as well as the integration of tables with data sources, also supported.

Content Formatting on Most Granular Level

Java PDF library has the ability to align text horizontally as well as vertically. Within horizontal alignment, one can easily change content alignment from left to right with respect to languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu and can handle white spaces in the text, set custom tab stops and much more. For vertical alignment, one can adjust text segments such as baseline or topline.

Furthermore, API supports defining text formatting for all segments of a document, changing text foreground and background colors and usage of replaceable symbols which allows changing the corresponding text content at runtime.

Protect PDF Files with Ease

API offers the facility to encrypt documents with a verity of encryption algorithms and key sizes. One can also set user and master passwords for more security. Content manipulation like copying, printing, form field completion, annotation modification, degraded printing as well as PDF files assembly can all be restricted via this library.

Encrypt PDF document - Java

// load file to be encrypted

Document pfile = new Document(dir + "template.pdf");

// encrypt the document

pfile.encrypt("userPassword", "ownerPassword", 0, CryptoAlgorithm.AESx256);

// save the encrypted one

pfile.save(dir + "output.pdf");

Enhance PDF Reports with Graphs & Images

Aspose.PDF for Java supports graphs, drawn on any page by specifying coordinates. You may also choose to rotate or scale the existing graphs to suit your requirements.

API allows images insertion, replacement, and deletion, present within files as well as enables to use images as watermark while creating files or manipulating existing documents.

Process PDF Form Fields

Beyond simple form fields processing like addition & removal of form fields, the library provides advanced features such as converting Dynamic XFA form to Standard AcroForm, getting form fields from a specific region of PDF document, adding tooltips and setting custom fonts for the form fields.

Adobe Acrobat Automation - Not Needed

Aspose.PDF for Java APIs are built using managed code that can be installed and deployed without needing Adobe Acrobat installed. It is easier and flexible to use as compared to Adobe Acrobat automation.