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Crk:TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms 31.0 SP1

NetWindows for Text Control forms tx SP1
2023-09-14 09:13:46 时间

TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms 31.0 SP1

Improves Text Fields, Ribbon and Text Filters.

December 19, 2022 - 16:04 New Version


Text Filters

  • DOC import: Document looks different compared to TX 28.
  • DOCX: PageNumberField is imported as form field.
  • 'Error 01-2408' when loading an RTF document with 2 large images.
  • 'Error 01-1D09' when loading RTF document.
  • If a FormField has the ampersand (&) in a combo box or drop-down list field, the FormField is lost when saved to DOCX.
  • RTF causes '01-2408' error.
  • RTF import: '01-1D09' error when loading files containing embedded WMF images.
  • Numbering displayed twice and slightly offset after PDF export.
  • Hyphen lost after RTF Export.
  • Hyperlink becomes invalid.
  • Tab stops are not imported correctly.


  • Select Frame Data Column ribbon button is active although no data source has been loaded.
  • Select Frame Data Column button in Reporting RibbonTab is missing for images.
  • Ribbon button's context menu is not displayed when located inside a panel.
  • CommentedTextLeft event is not fired after deleting a comment.


  • SystemAccessViolation upon Selection.Load.


  • Error message 'Invalid indent setting' when accessing the ParagraphStyles collection.

Text Fields

  • Empty width is not restored when removing characters from TextFormField using Delete Key.