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VectorDraw 9.9 真Crack-可定制新版

Crack 定制 新版
2023-09-14 09:13:46 时间

VectorDraw Developer Framework (VDF) is an easy to program SDK component that every developer need to easily create and manage and print 2D and 3D drawings in his applications. Its objects expose methods and properties that are compatible with most common vector formats and other CAD objects. Supports over 10 vector formats and many raster formats and has the ability to export drawings to PDF. It is fully object oriented (OOP) .NET 2 ready and includes ActiveX component

VectorDraw 开发人员框架 (VDF) 是一个易于编程的 SDK 组件,每个开发人员都需要使用它在其应用程序中轻松创建、管理和打印 2D 和 3D 绘图。 它的对象公开了与最常见的矢量格式和其他 CAD 对象兼容的方法和属性。 支持超过 10 种矢量格式和许多光栅格式,并能够将图纸导出为 PDF。 它完全面向对象 (OOP) .NET 2 并包含 ActiveX 组件

VDF Format Capabilities
Supported Formats
VectorDraw supports these vector files and raster formats from import and export :

.VDML,a dynamic XML format implemented by VectorDraw that has backward and forward compatibility.
.VDCL, compressed vdml.
.VDS, VectorDraw web script format supported by web control.

*.DWG,all versions up to 2019
.DXF, all versions up to 2019
*.DGN, version 8
.LAS,.LAZ, (lidar point cloud data format)
.BMP,.STL , .JPG, .TIFF, .GIF, .PNG, .TGA, ICO , Raster Formats

These formats are also support but for export only : 

IFC supported with an internal Add-on product , import up to IFC 4 , export IFC4 (default) and 2x3.

Basic capabilities of VDF engine
• 2D Drawings          • Layers , group layers , filter layers
• 3D Drawings         • Layouts and Viewports
• Text styles (.SHX, .TTF)         • Editing capability inside Viewports
• Blocks, Inserts and Attributes         • Render, Hide and Shade
• Clipping Sections         • Object Selection Snap (end , middle , center , nearest etc...)
• Print, Print Preview and multiple page print jobs         • Materials
• Unlimited Undo/Redo         • Lights
• Line types (32 predefined linetypes) and custom LineTypes         • MultiText and simple Text objects
• Support WMF, EMF formats         • Real transformations with vdMatrix object
• Images (BMP, TIFF, GIF, JPG, PNG, TGA)         • Linear and Angular units
• Hyperlinks and Tooltips         • Hatching
• Asynchronous opening from URL location         • External Reference Drawings
• Extended Data (XProperties)         • 3D Orbit
• Zoom and Pan         • 3D Views
• Filter Selection object         • UCS
• Built in formats (VDML, VDCL)         • User Defined Custom Objects and Custom Actions
• Image Definition Object         • TrueColor Support
• Native .DXF Import/Export         • Native Export to .PDF and .SVG
• Globalization Capability of all resources.
• Ability to merge the XREF's (external references) entities and its dependent symbols as part of the current drawing.
• Asymmetrical tolerances in dimensions and more Dimension Overwrite values and formatted dimension texts.
• Hatch Pattern object (63 predefined hatch patterns) with new Hatch dialog for the predefined hatch patterns.
• Exported constants values for easier management of Vectordraw objects and programming.
• Supported .DWG/.DXF files up to version 2019, .DGN files version 8, .DWF files (using the VectorDraw File Converter utility)
• Large Number of User Edit Commands (Move , Erase , Rotate , Trim , Copy , Fillet , Offset , Extend etc...
• 2D Curve Combinations ( Exclude , Intersect , Union , Exclusive Disjunction XOR)
• Various Programming Environments (Visual Studio 2018 , 2015 , 2010 , 2008 , 2005 , Delphi , Visual Basic 6 , C++ 6)

Primitive Drawing Entities
Arc         3DFace
Attributes         PolyFace
Circle         PolyHatch
Dimension         Viewport
Ellipse         Image
Insert         Line
Point         PolyLine
Rectangle         Splines (Fitting , Quadratic , Cubic)
Custom Objects          Text & MultiText 
Group Objects          Leader 
Construction Lines          GroundSurface

Drawing Utilities
Grips         Ruler Object
Various Grid types         Snap
Osnaps         Ortho mode
Tooltips         Urls
Linear Units         Angular Units
Transparency         Offset, Chamfer command
Extend / Break / Trim Commands         Move / Erase / Copy commands
3d Orbit Rotate of scene         Pan / Zoom commands
Many Drawing commands like Spline , polyline , line , circle , arc etc...         Image Adgustments (Brightness , Contrast , Gamma , GrayScale , Sapia etc...

3D capabilities
Rendering types :    Wire 2D, Wire 3D, Hide, Shade, Shade On, Render (applying materials, transparency & lights)
Views :    Perspective, Orthogonal
Other :    • Lights, 3D section clipping, Transparency, Multi User coordinate system , Shadows
      • vdGroundSurface Object Supports Mapped Images Over Surfaces to Produce  a Photorealistic Ground Surface Using Aerial Photos
      • Calculate a Surface from a List of Points and Countour Levels using Delanay Algorithm
     • Boolean Operations (Union , Intersection , Subscruption)
     • Volume Calculation , Slice operation , push/pull operation