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操作系统 实现 reactos 106
2023-09-14 09:10:38 时间



#002  NTAPI

#003  FindDevices(

#004      IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension,

#005      IN BOOLEAN AtapiOnly,

#006      IN ULONG   Channel

#007      )


#009  /*++


#011  Routine Description:


#013      This routine is called from AtapiFindController to identify

#014      devices attached to an IDE controller.


#016  Arguments:


#018      HwDeviceExtension - HBA miniport driver's adapter data storage

#019      AtapiOnly - Indicates that routine should return TRUE only if

#020          an ATAPI device is attached to the controller.


#022  Return Value:


#024      TRUE - True if devices found.


#026  --*/


#028  {



#029      PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = HwDeviceExtension;



#030      PIDE_REGISTERS_1     baseIoAddress1 = deviceExtension->BaseIoAddress1[Channel];

#031      PIDE_REGISTERS_2     baseIoAddress2 = deviceExtension->BaseIoAddress2[Channel];

#032      BOOLEAN              deviceResponded = FALSE,

#033                           skipSetParameters = FALSE;

#034      ULONG                waitCount = 10000;

#035      ULONG                deviceNumber;

#036      ULONG                i;

#037      UCHAR                signatureLow,

#038                           signatureHigh;

#039      UCHAR                statusByte;


#041      //

#042      // Clear expecting interrupt flag and current SRB field.

#043      //




#045      deviceExtension->ExpectingInterrupt = FALSE;

#046      deviceExtension->CurrentSrb = NULL;


#048      //

#049      // Search for devices.

#050      //




#052      for (deviceNumber = 0; deviceNumber < 2; deviceNumber++) {


#054          //

#055          // Select the device.

#056          //




#058          ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->DriveSelect,

#059                                 (UCHAR)((deviceNumber << 4) | 0xA0));


#061          //

#062          // Check here for some SCSI adapters that incorporate IDE emulation.

#063          //




#065          GetStatus(baseIoAddress2, statusByte);

#066          if (statusByte == 0xFF) {

#067              continue;

#068          }




#070          AtapiSoftReset(baseIoAddress1,deviceNumber);

#071          WaitOnBusy(baseIoAddress2,statusByte);




#073          signatureLow = ScsiPortReadPortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->CylinderLow);

#074          signatureHigh = ScsiPortReadPortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->CylinderHigh);


#076          if (signatureLow == 0x14 && signatureHigh == 0xEB) {




#078              //

#079              // ATAPI signature found.

#080              // Issue the ATAPI identify command if this

#081              // is not for the crash dump utility.

#082              //


#084  atapiIssueId:




#086              if (!deviceExtension->DriverMustPoll) {


#088                  //

#089                  // Issue ATAPI packet identify command.

#090                  //




#092                  if (IssueIdentify(HwDeviceExtension,

#093                                    deviceNumber,

#094                                    Channel,

#095                                    IDE_COMMAND_ATAPI_IDENTIFY)) {


#097                      //

#098                      // Indicate ATAPI device.

#099                      //


#101                      DebugPrint((1,

#102                                 "FindDevices: Device %x is ATAPI/n",

#103                                 deviceNumber));




#105                      deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[deviceNumber + (Channel * 2)] |= DFLAGS_ATAPI_DEVICE;

#106                      deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[deviceNumber + (Channel * 2)] |= DFLAGS_DEVICE_PRESENT;


#108                      deviceResponded = TRUE;


#110                      GetStatus(baseIoAddress2, statusByte);

#111                      if (statusByte & IDE_STATUS_ERROR) {

#112                          AtapiSoftReset(baseIoAddress1, deviceNumber);

#113                      }



#116                  } else {




#118                      //

#119                      // Indicate no working device.

#120                      //


#122                      DebugPrint((1,

#123                                 "FindDevices: Device %x not responding/n",

#124                                 deviceNumber));


#126                      deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[deviceNumber + (Channel * 2)] &= ~DFLAGS_DEVICE_PRESENT;

#127                  }


#129              }


#131          } else {


#133              //

#134              // Issue IDE Identify. If an Atapi device is actually present, the signature

#135              // will be asserted, and the drive will be recognized as such.

#136              //




#138              if (IssueIdentify(HwDeviceExtension,

#139                                deviceNumber,

#140                                Channel,

#141                                IDE_COMMAND_IDENTIFY)) {


#143                  //

#144                  // IDE drive found.

#145                  //





#148                  DebugPrint((1,

#149                             "FindDevices: Device %x is IDE/n",

#150                             deviceNumber));


#152                  deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[deviceNumber + (Channel * 2)] |= DFLAGS_DEVICE_PRESENT;


#154                  if (!AtapiOnly) {

#155                      deviceResponded = TRUE;

#156                  }


#158                  //

#159                  // Indicate IDE - not ATAPI device.

#160                  //




#162                  deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[deviceNumber + (Channel * 2)] &= ~DFLAGS_ATAPI_DEVICE;



#165              } else {


#167                  //

#168                  // Look to see if an Atapi device is present.

#169                  //




#171                  AtapiSoftReset(baseIoAddress1,deviceNumber);


#173                  WaitOnBusy(baseIoAddress2,statusByte);


#175                  signatureLow = ScsiPortReadPortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->CylinderLow);

#176                  signatureHigh = ScsiPortReadPortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->CylinderHigh);


#178                  if (signatureLow == 0x14 && signatureHigh == 0xEB) {

#179                      goto atapiIssueId;

#180                  }

#181              }

#182          }

#183      }




#185      for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

#186          if ((deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[i + (Channel * 2)] & DFLAGS_DEVICE_PRESENT) &&

#187              (!(deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[i + (Channel * 2)] & DFLAGS_ATAPI_DEVICE)) && deviceResponded) {




#189              //

#190              // This hideous hack is to deal with ESDI devices that return

#191              // garbage geometry in the IDENTIFY data.

#192              // This is ONLY for the crashdump environment as

#193              // these are ESDI devices.

#194              //


#196              if (deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].SectorsPerTrack ==

#197                      0x35 &&

#198                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].NumberOfHeads ==

#199                      0x07) {


#201                  DebugPrint((1,

#202                             "FindDevices: Found nasty Compaq ESDI!/n"));


#204                  //

#205                  // Change these values to something reasonable.

#206                  //


#208                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].SectorsPerTrack =

#209                      0x34;

#210                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].NumberOfHeads =

#211                      0x0E;

#212              }


#214              if (deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].SectorsPerTrack ==

#215                      0x35 &&

#216                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].NumberOfHeads ==

#217                      0x0F) {


#219                  DebugPrint((1,

#220                             "FindDevices: Found nasty Compaq ESDI!/n"));


#222                  //

#223                  // Change these values to something reasonable.

#224                  //


#226                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].SectorsPerTrack =

#227                      0x34;

#228                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].NumberOfHeads =

#229                      0x0F;

#230              }



#233              if (deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].SectorsPerTrack ==

#234                      0x36 &&

#235                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].NumberOfHeads ==

#236                      0x07) {


#238                  DebugPrint((1,

#239                             "FindDevices: Found nasty UltraStor ESDI!/n"));


#241                  //

#242                  // Change these values to something reasonable.

#243                  //


#245                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].SectorsPerTrack =

#246                      0x3F;

#247                  deviceExtension->IdentifyData[i].NumberOfHeads =

#248                      0x10;

#249                  skipSetParameters = TRUE;

#250              }





#253              if (!skipSetParameters) {


#255                  WaitOnBusy(baseIoAddress2,statusByte);


#257                  //

#258                  // Select the device.

#259                  //


#261                  ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->DriveSelect,

#262                                         (UCHAR)((i << 4) | 0xA0));


#264                  GetStatus(baseIoAddress2, statusByte);


#266                  if (statusByte & IDE_STATUS_ERROR) {


#268                      //

#269                      // Reset the device.

#270                      //


#272                      DebugPrint((2,

#273                                  "FindDevices: Resetting controller before SetDriveParameters./n"));


#275                      ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress2->AlternateStatus,IDE_DC_RESET_CONTROLLER );

#276                      ScsiPortStallExecution(500 * 1000);

#277                      ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress2->AlternateStatus,IDE_DC_REENABLE_CONTROLLER);

#278                      ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->DriveSelect,

#279                                             (UCHAR)((i << 4) | 0xA0));


#281                      do {


#283                          //

#284                          // Wait for Busy to drop.

#285                          //


#287                          ScsiPortStallExecution(100);

#288                          GetStatus(baseIoAddress2, statusByte);


#290                      } while ((statusByte & IDE_STATUS_BUSY) && waitCount--);

#291                  }


#293                  WaitOnBusy(baseIoAddress2,statusByte);

#294                  DebugPrint((2,

#295                              "FindDevices: Status before SetDriveParameters: (%x) (%x)/n",

#296                              statusByte,

#297                              ScsiPortReadPortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->DriveSelect)));


#299                  //

#300                  // Use the IDENTIFY data to set drive parameters.

#301                  //


#303                  if (!SetDriveParameters(HwDeviceExtension,i,Channel)) {


#305                      DebugPrint((0,

#306                                 "AtapHwInitialize: Set drive parameters for device %d failed/n",

#307                                 i));


#309                      //

#310                      // Don't use this device as writes could cause corruption.

#311                      //


#313                      deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[i + Channel] = 0;

#314                      continue;


#316                  }

#317                  if (deviceExtension->DeviceFlags[deviceNumber + (Channel * 2)] & DFLAGS_REMOVABLE_DRIVE) {


#319                      //

#320                      // Pick up ALL IDE removable drives that conform to Yosemite V0.2...

#321                      //


#323                      AtapiOnly = FALSE;

#324                  }



#327                  //

#328                  // Indicate that a device was found.

#329                  //


#331                  if (!AtapiOnly) {

#332                      deviceResponded = TRUE;

#333                  }

#334              }

#335          }

#336      }


#338      //

#339      // Make sure master device is selected on exit.

#340      //




#342      ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress1->DriveSelect, 0xA0);


#344      //

#345      // Reset the controller. This is a feeble attempt to leave the ESDI

#346      // controllers in a state that ATDISK driver will recognize them.

#347      // The problem in ATDISK has to do with timings as it is not reproducible

#348      // in debug. The reset should restore the controller to its poweron state

#349      // and give the system enough time to settle.

#350      //




#352      if (!deviceResponded) {


#354          ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress2->AlternateStatus,IDE_DC_RESET_CONTROLLER );

#355          ScsiPortStallExecution(50 * 1000);

#356          ScsiPortWritePortUchar(&baseIoAddress2->AlternateStatus,IDE_DC_REENABLE_CONTROLLER);

#357      }


#359      return deviceResponded;


#361  } // end FindDevices()