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macOS 黑苹果 使用 ffplay 播放斗鱼直播 替代 浏览器播放flash占用CPU过高发热

直播macos浏览器苹果CPU 播放 占用 Flash
2023-09-14 09:09:53 时间

1,macOS 安装 ffplay

$ sw_vers 
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.13.6
BuildVersion:	17G65
$ brew search ffmpeg
$ brew install ffmpeg
$ brew install ffmpeg --with-ffplay
Error: ffmpeg 4.1 is already installed
To upgrade to 4.1_1, run `brew upgrade ffmpeg`
brew install ffmpeg --with-sdl2
Error: ffmpeg 4.1 is already installed
To upgrade to 4.1_1, run `brew upgrade ffmpeg`
$ brew info ffmpeg
ffmpeg: stable 4.1 (bottled), HEAD
Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.1 (282 files, 55.4MB) *
  Poured from bottle on 2018-11-08 at 18:56:29
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/ffmpeg.rb
==> Dependencies
Build: nasm ✘, pkg-config ✔, texi2html ✘
Required: lame ✔, libvorbis ✔, libvpx ✔, opus ✔, sdl2 ✘, snappy ✔, theora ✔, x264 ✘, x265 ✔, xvid ✔, xz ✔
Optional: aom ✘, chromaprint ✘, fdk-aac ✘, fontconfig ✘, freetype ✘, frei0r ✘, game-music-emu ✘, libass ✘, libbluray ✘, libbs2b ✘, libcaca ✘, libgsm ✘, libmodplug ✘, librsvg ✘, libsoxr ✘, libssh ✘, libvidstab ✘, libvmaf ✘, opencore-amr ✘, openh264 ✘, openjpeg ✘, openssl ✘, rtmpdump ✘, rubberband ✘, speex ✘, srt ✘, tesseract ✔, two-lame ✘, wavpack ✘, webp ✘, zeromq ✘, zimg ✘
$ which ffplay

2,安装 you-get

$ brew search you-get
$ brew install you-get
$ you-get --version
you-get: version 0.4.1193, a tiny downloader that scrapes the web.


$ you-get -p ffplay 'https://www.douyu.com/8733'



  1. mac ffmpeg ffplay工具安装
  2. You-Get 乃一小小哒命令行程序,提供便利的方式来下载网络上的媒体信息
  3. 破解斗鱼直播源失效设计,vps转推斗鱼直播源到YouTube直播