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3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.13.3A Provisioning of MAC addresses and SDF filters in Ethernet Packet F

Mac in and of TS 对照 中英文 3GPP
2023-09-14 09:09:10 时间


个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 29244-g30过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。


5.13.3A Provisioning of MAC addresses and SDF filters in Ethernet Packet Filters 在以太网数据包过滤器中配置MAC地址和SDF过滤器

The provisioning of an SDF Filter in an Ethernet Packet Filter shall follow the requirements specified for provisioning an SDF Filter in clause 5.2.1A.2A.

Ethernet Packet Filter中设置SDF Filter应符合第5.2.1A.2A条中规定的设置SDF Filter的要求。

Likewise, the source and destination MAC addresses information, when provisioned, shall be set as for downlink Ethernet flows. The UP function shall apply source and destination MAC addresses information based on the Source Interface of the PDR, according to the same principles as specified in clause 5.2.1A.2A, e.g. swapping the source and destination MAC addresses information if the Source Interface is ACCESS, and applying them as provisioned if the Source Interface is CORE.

同样,当提供源和目的MAC地址信息时,应设置为用于下行链路Ethernet流。UP功能应基于PDR的Source Interface应用源和目标MAC地址信息,例如,如果Source Interface是ACCESS,则交换源和目标MAC地址信息;如果Source Interface是CORE,则按规定应用它们。