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sql 最近三条数据

SQL数据 最近
2023-09-14 09:09:30 时间
with record as(
SELECT player_id, giftbag_id, status, timestamp, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY player_id ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS rn from mafia1.status_snapshot
timestamp >= '2019-10-21' 
--and timestamp <= '2019-11-22'
order by player_id, timestamp desc),
charge_record as(
  select * from record
  where giftbag_id is not null and rn <=2
charge_record1 as(
select charge_record.*, record.status as status_1, record.timestamp as timestamp_1, record.giftbag_id as giftbag_id_1, record.rn as rn_1 from (charge_record left join record 
 on charge_record.player_id = record.player_id and charge_record.rn = record.rn - 1))
select * from(
select * from(select charge_record1.*,record.status as status_2,record.timestamp as timestamp_2, record.giftbag_id as giftbag_id_2, record.rn as rn_2  from (charge_record1 left join record 
 on charge_record1.player_id = record.player_id and charge_record1.rn = record.rn - 2)))
 order by player_id, rn