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3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.2.8 Session Reporting Rule Handling

session TS 对照 中英文 rule 3GPP Handling 5.2
2023-09-14 09:09:10 时间


个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 29244-g30过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。


5.2.8 Session Reporting Rule Handling 会话报告规则处理 General

The CP function may provision SRR(s) for a PFCP session in a PFCP Session Establishment Request or a PFCP Session Modification Request to request the UP function to detect and report events for a PFCP session that are not related to specific PDRs of the PFCP session or that are not related to traffic usage measurement.

CP功能可以在PFCP Session Establishment Request或PFCP Session Modification Request中为PFCP会话提供SRR,以请求UP功能检测和报告与PFCP会话的特定PDR无关或与流量使用测量无关的PFCP会话的事件。

- Change of 3GPP or non-3GPP access availability, for a MA PDU session (see clause

-更改MA PDU会话的3GPP或non-3GPP访问可用性。

- Reporting the per QoS flow per UE QoS Monitoring Report, as specified in clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [28].

-报告每QoS流每UE QoS Monitoring Report Provisioning of Session Reporting Rule in the UP function 在UP功能中提供会话报告规则 General

When provisioning an SRR, the CP function shall provide control information identifying the events that the UPF is requested to detect and report. The CP function may modify an SRR in the PFCP Session Modification Request message.

当提供SRR时,CP功能应提供控制信息,识别请求UPF检测和报告的事件。CP功能可以修改PFCP Session Modification Request消息中的SRR。 Reporting of Session Report to the CP function 向CP功能报告会话报告 General

When detecting that a provisioned event to report occurs, the UP function shall generate a Session Report for the related SRR and send it to the CP function by initiating the PFCP Session Report procedure.

当检测到要报告的已设置事件发生时,UP功能应为相关SRR生成Session Report,并通过启动PFCP Session Report过程将其发送给CP功能

Upon generating a session report for an SRR towards the CP function, the UP function shall continue to apply all the provisioned SRR(s), until getting any further instruction from the CP function.


The CP function may request the UP function to stop the detection and reporting of specific events by removing the SRR or, if the SRR is used to control different types of events, by updating the SRR with a control information IE for the events to stop with a null length. When so instructed, the UP function shall stop detecting and reporting the corresponding events.
