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3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 6.2.8 PFCP Association Release Procedure

TS Release 对照 中英文 3GPP 6.2 procedure 29244
2023-09-14 09:09:09 时间


个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 29244-g30过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。


6.2.8 PFCP Association Release Procedure PFCP偶联释放程序 General

The PFCP Association Release procedure shall be used to terminate the PFCP association between the CP Function and the UP Function due to e.g. OAM reasons. The PFCP Association Release Request may be initiated by the CP function.

由于OAM等原因,应使用PFCP Association Release程序终止CP功能和UP功能之间的PFCP偶联。PFCP Association Release Request可由CP功能发起。

When the final usage report(s) for a PFCP Session is required, e.g. based on the operator policies, the CP function should retrieve the final usage reports for the PFCP Sessions affected by the release of PFCP Association, i.e. by initiating a PFCP Session Deletion Procedure towards the UP function for every PFCP session, before it initiates PFCP Association Release Request.

当需要PFCP Session的最终使用情况报告时(例如,基于运营商策略),CP功能应检索受PFCP Association释放影响的PFCP Session的最终使用情况报告,即在发起PFCP Association释放之前,通过向UP功能启动每个PFCP会话的PFCP Session Deletion Procedure CP Function Behaviour CP功能行为

If the CP function initiates the PFCP Association Release procedure to release an existing PFCP association, the CP function:

如果CP功能启动PFCP Association Release程序以释放现有的PFCP偶联,则CP功能

- shall delete locally all the PFCP sessions related to that PFCP association when receiving the PFCP Association Release Response with the cause value success.

-当接收到原因值为success的PFCP Association Release Response时,应在本地删除与该PFCP偶联相关的所有PFCP会话。 UP Function behaviour UP功能行为

When the UP function receives a PFCP Association Release Request, the UP function:

当UP功能收到PFCP Association Release Request时,UP功能

- shall delete all the PFCP sessions related to that PFCP association locally;


- shall delete the PFCP association and any related information (e.g. Node ID of the CP function);


- shall send a PFCP Association Release Response with a successful cause.

-应发送成功原因的PFCP Association Release Response

NOTE: The UP function always accepts a PFCP Association Release Request.
