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Gartner:2021 年塑造未来的 9 大技术趋势

趋势技术 未来 2021 Gartner 塑造
2023-09-14 09:07:24 时间


Gartner’s Top Nine Strategic Tech Trends For 2021

编者按:今年由于疫情的关系,一些原本比较平稳的趋势得到了加速。总来说,因为疫情导致人与人之间被迫保持物理隔离,通过技术让大家(企业与客户,企业内部,以及企业与伙伴)保持虚拟连接的需求就显得更加迫切。Gartner对2021年的热门技术趋势做出了预测,发表在CRN上,标题是:Gartner’s Top Technology Trends That Will Define 2021。

Last week, Gartner, Inc. announced its top nine strategic technology trends for 2021. Analysts presented their findings during Gartner IT Symposium, which was virtual this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Just as the pandemic reshaped the conference, it has also reshaped the trends, as many of them are brought about or will be emphasi