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LibXL 4.1.0 Crack

Crack 4.1
2023-09-14 09:04:09 时间

What's new in LibXL 4.1.0

January 30, 2023

  • Added conditional formatting support for xlsx files
  • Added possibility to get/set an active cell and selection ranges
  • Added possibility to get a color from sheet tabs
  • Improved string overwriting performance for xls files
  • Improved sorting performance in AutoFilter (xlsx)
  • Fixed a bug with cutting sheet names to less than 31 characters in Chinese
  • Fixed a bug with loading some xls files ("Label size is incorrect")
  • Fixed a bug with union multiple column filters in the Sheet::applyFilter() method (xlsx)
  • Fixed an issue with loading some xls files (error message "invalid jpg file")
  • Fixed an issue with encoding dates before the 1st of March 1900 in the Book::datePack()
  • Fixed issue with loading some xlsx files with special unicode character BOM (byte order mark) at unexpected position inside XML files
  • Fixed issues with copying existing sheet with named ranges in the Book::insertSheet() what led to corrupted output files
  • Fixed new-delete-type-mismatch memory issue on Linux and now LibXL works with jemalloc properly
  • Fixed an issue with saving UTF-8 encoded filename in the Book::save() method on Windows (xlsx)
  • Fixed a hang with loading some xls files
  • Fixed a bug with saving xlsx files with a lot of OLE objects
  • Removed PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN warning in python interface


LibXL is a powerful library that, once included in your projects, makes it possible for you to write and read Excel files without requiring the presence of the Microsoft-vetted application, or any .NET Framework for that matter, on the host system.

More to the point, the library can be used to create new Excel projects from square one and, as expected, to extract and edit data from already existing spreadsheets.

Comes with support for some of the most popular programming languages and for all Excel-related formats

Probably the first thing you should know about LibXL is the fact that it is designed to work with all Excel related formats, such as XLS (used by Excel 97-2003) and XML, XLSX, XLSM formats (used by Excel 2007-2013).

One of the most important characteristics of this library is that it comes with support for a broad range of programming languages. For example, it is entirely compatible with C, C++, C#, Delphi, Fortran and many others.

Offers a surprising amount of customization options

It is also noteworthy that this library also comes with support for Unicode and 64-bit platforms. Since we are on the subject, we might as well point out that it is more than capable of writing up to 240000 for in binary Excel-specific format.

Furthermore, it provides you with a decent amount of formatting options. You can change the looks and feel by customizing the alignments, borders, colors, fill patterns, fonts and even cell merging actions.

Well-documented and accessible Excel library for your commercial apps

Last but not least, you might want to take the time and do a bit of reading regarding other, more advanced features. You can start by reading the hefty documentation section on the library's official website and even check out some of the provided examples or demo files.

All in all, LibXL is a powerful and somewhat customizable Excel library that, thanks to its thorough documentation and its lightweight nature, can be easily integrated within you commercial projects and applications.