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TeeChart.NET Pro 2020-2022-Crack

Net 2022 2020 Pro Crack TeeChart
2023-09-14 09:04:11 时间

TeeChart.NET Pro Edition-Ω578867473
Versatile native .NET Charting, Map and Gauge control
The TeeChart NET Pro Edition is a Nuget based Charting control designed to offer instant chart, map and gauge capabilities to your NET application. With dozens of chart types, statistical functions and developer tools, TeeChart is simply one of the most comprehensive charting libraries available for developers today. Easy to use with designtime editor and an intuitive programming structure we hope you enjoy working with it. For Winform, NET5.0, NET6.0, UWP, WPF. Web applications use TeeChart's Javascript engine at the browser.

.NETCoreApp 2.0
System.Drawing.Common (>= 4.5.0)
SixLabors.ImageSharp (>= 1.0.4)
SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing (>= 1.0.0-beta13)
UAP 0.0
Windows.UI.Interactivity (>= 1.3.0)

Steema.TeeChart.NET 4.2021.11.23
TeeChart.NET Pro Charting Components offer full cross-platform support for .NET desktops, WPF and Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Javascript Library for ASP.NET, MVC, NET5.0, NET6.0 and NetCore 3.