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TatukGIS Kernel ASP.NET | GIS-Crack

NetASP Crack Kernel GIS
2023-09-14 09:04:10 时间

Developer Kernel for ASP.NET
The TatukGIS Developer Kernel for ASP.NET (DK ASP.NET) edition is a managed code .NET SDK for use with MVC and Razor Pages to develop custom web GIS applications for multiple server operating systems. The SDK is designed and compiled natively for:

ASP.NET Core to develop web GIS applications for hosting on Windows, Linux, and macOS servers (including Docker). True CIL. Visual Studio 2019-2022.

ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms to develop web GIS applications for hosting on Windows servers. Designed for C#, VB.NET, Oxygene, and other .NET compatible development environments. True CIL. Visual Studio 2013-2022.

Support for HTML5 technology offers smooth, multi-touch compatibility with leading web browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera) on desktop and mobiles. An included JavaScript API enables rich customization of the client-side map experience including drawing, basic styling, editing, tracking layers, and access to REST services. HTML user control utilities can access the Leaflet JavaScript library to expose further functionality such as smooth tiles to automatically project locally hosted maps to the coordinate system of a tile server. The DK ASP.NET can publish REST/WFS/WMS services.

The DK for ASP.NET edition features the same comprehensive, object-oriented API and geospatial functionality as other DK product editions, except for differences required by the different technologies. Similarity across SDK editions means application logic can be reused between desktop and web applications.

Deploying a developed application to a production server, including cloud services like Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure, is a simple 'copy file' deployment. The DK ASP.NET is licensed per developer, with no per server deployment royalties or run-time fees.

Developer Kernel
The TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) is a professional grade GIS SDK (software development kit) used by customers in a wide range of industries to develop custom GIS applications or add geospatial functionality to existing products. The DK is available as multiple SDK editions, each edition compiled natively for a particular development platform: Delphi/C++Builder, .NET, ASP.NET, ActiveX, and Java. These provide the means to develop GIS applications for just about any operating system, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and for the web.

Each DK edition shares the same object-oriented API and geospatial functionality, except for differences reflecting the different technologies. No development technology is favored over another. Application source code is highly similar across platforms (see comparative code example). Shared API and source code similarity across SDK editions means easier migration possibilities between development platforms and operating systems.

The Developer Kernel's API is comprehensive, with roughly 750 classes and 19,000 documented methods and properties designed for professional GIS application development. Built from in-house developed and owned technology, the SDK is designed without dependence on third-party software libraries.

Reflecting an agnostic approach to geospatial data formats and storage, native support for more than 70 file and SQL database layer formats is compiled into the DK library. Dozens more formats are supported via external drivers. Support is available also for advanced spatial databases, such as PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, MSSQL Spatial, and most others. Wide format compatibility enables GIS application development that need not depend on any proprietary, vender-specific data format.

Features include powerful layer properties, legend, scale and other visual controls, 5,000+ predefined coordinate systems, on-the-fly layer reprojection, vector editing, spatial and SQL queries, filters, topological operations, thematic/choropleth mapping, data classification methods, raster algebra, viewshed and AGL visibility analysis, vector-to-grid interpolation algorithms, point cloud-to-grid conversion, grid-to-polygon conversion, slope analysis, hydrology toolset, layer statistics, operation pipelining, dynamic shape aggregation, 3D visualization, GPS tracking, addess geocoding, and general compatibility with industry standards.

The DK is licensed per developer, with no deployment royalties or run-time fees. Licensing is by product edition for a particular development platform or as an Enterprise package aggregating support for all available platforms and spatial databases.