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2020国庆节 Angular structual 指令学习笔记(<ng-template>) 包含语法糖解糖过程

Angular笔记学习 过程 语法 指令 2020 包含
2023-09-14 09:04:03 时间

Structural directives are responsible for HTML layout. They shape or reshape the DOM’s structure, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating elements.

structure directive负责HTML布局,组成或者改变DOM结构,在结构中添加移除或者控制其他HTML元素。

As with other directives, you apply a structural directive to a host element. The directive then does whatever it’s supposed to do with that host element and its descendants.



<div *ngIf=“hero” class=“name”>{{hero.name}}

the asterisk (*) is a convenience notation and the string is a microsyntax rather than the usual template expression. Angular desugars this notation into a marked-up <ng-template> that surrounds the host element and its descendants. Each structural directive does something different with that template.



Throughout this guide, you’ll see a directive spelled in both UpperCamelCase and lowerCamelCase. Already you’ve seen NgIf and ngIf. There’s a reason. NgIf refers to the directive class; ngIf refers to the directive’s attribute name.



  • A component manages a region of HTML in the manner of a native HTML element. Technically it’s a directive with a template.
  • An attribute directive changes the appearance or behavior of an element, component, or another directive. For example, the built-in NgStyle directive changes several element styles at the same time.

You can apply many attribute directives to one host element. You can only apply one structural directive to a host element.


NgIf takes a boolean expression and makes an entire chunk of the DOM appear or disappear.

<p *ngIf="true">
  Expression is true and ngIf is true.
  This paragraph is in the DOM.
<p *ngIf="false">
  Expression is false and ngIf is false.
  This paragraph is not in the DOM.




<div *ngIf="hero" class="name">{{hero.name}}</div>


<ng-template [ngIf]="hero">
  <div class="name">{{hero.name}}</div>
  • The *ngIf directive moved to the <ng-template> element where it became a property binding,[ngIf].
  • The rest of the <div>, including its class attribute, moved inside the <ng-template> element.

Angular consumed the <ng-template> content during its actual rendering and replaced the <ng-template> with a diagnostic comment.




<div *ngFor="let hero of heroes; let i=index; let odd=odd; trackBy: trackById" [class.odd]="odd">
  ({{i}}) {{hero.name}}


<ng-template ngFor let-hero [ngForOf]="heroes" let-i="index" let-odd="odd" [ngForTrackBy]="trackById">
  <div [class.odd]="odd">({{i}}) {{hero.name}}</div>

At minimum NgFor needs a looping variable (let hero) and a list (heroes).

NgFor至少需要一个列表(heroes)和展开这个列表的变量(let hero).

什么是微语法 Microsyntax

The Angular microsyntax lets you configure a directive in a compact, friendly string.


  • The parser translates let hero, let i, and let odd into variables named let-hero, let-i, and let-odd.

  • As the NgFor directive loops through the list, it sets and resets properties of its own context object. These properties can include, but aren’t limited to, index, odd, and a special property named $implicit.


Template input variable

A template input variable is a variable whose value you can reference within a single instance of the template. 可以在模板的某一个具体实例内被使用。

You declare a template reference variable by prefixing the variable name with # (#var). 通过#定义模板引用变量,指向它依附于的元素,组件或指令。整个模板内都可以访问。

A reference variable refers to its attached element, component or directive. It can be accessed anywhere in the entire template.

Template input and reference variable names have their own namespaces. The hero in let hero is never the same variable as the hero declared as #hero - 二者有各自的命名空间。


为什么要使用ng-template, 而不重用div,span这些HTML原生的container元素?

Introducing another container element—typically a <span> or <div>—to group the elements under a single root is usually harmless. Usually … but not always.


  I turned the corner
  <span *ngIf="hero">
    and saw {{hero.name}}. I waved
  and continued on my way.


p span { color: red; font-size: 70%; }


some HTML elements require all immediate children to be of a specific type. For example, the <select> element requires <option> children. You can’t wrap the options in a conditional <div> or a <span>.

还有一种情况,某些html元素要求其子元素必须是一种特殊的类型,比如<select>的子元素必须是<option>, 二者中间不能再引入<div>或者<span>等中间层级。


  Pick your favorite hero
  (<label><input type="checkbox" checked (change)="showSad = !showSad">show sad</label>)
<select [(ngModel)]="hero">
  <span *ngFor="let h of heroes">
    <span *ngIf="showSad || h.emotion !== 'sad'">
      <option [ngValue]="h">{{h.name}} ({{h.emotion}})</option>


The Angular <ng-container> is a grouping element that doesn’t interfere with styles or layout because Angular doesn’t put it in the DOM.

是一种grouping element,不会干预HTML正常的布局和样式,因为Angular不会将其渲染到最终的HTML中去。

  Pick your favorite hero
  (<label><input type="checkbox" checked (change)="showSad = !showSad">show sad</label>)
<select [(ngModel)]="hero">
  <ng-container *ngFor="let h of heroes">
    <ng-container *ngIf="showSad || h.emotion !== 'sad'">
      <option [ngValue]="h">{{h.name}} ({{h.emotion}})</option>

注意,要使用ngModel指令,必须先import FormsModule.

The <ng-container> is a syntax element recognized by the Angular parser. It’s not a directive, component, class, or interface. It’s more like the curly braces in a JavaScript if-block.

Angular解析器能够识别<ng-container>这个语法元素,后者并不是一个指令,也非Component,class或者interface. <ng-container>和JavaScript里的if block很类似:

if (someCondition) {

Without those braces, JavaScript would only execute the first statement when you intend to conditionally execute all of them as a single block. The <ng-container> satisfies a similar need in Angular templates.
