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如何在Component template函数执行时查看ɵɵtemplate或者ɵɵproperty传入的参数值

执行 如何 函数 查看 或者 Component Property Template
2023-09-14 09:04:01 时间



 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
 * Update a property on a selected element.
 * Operates on the element selected by index via the {@link select} instruction.
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled
 * @param propName Name of property. Because it is going to DOM, this is not subject to
 *        renaming as part of minification.
 * @param value New value to write.
 * @param sanitizer An optional function used to sanitize the value.
 * @returns This function returns itself so that it may be chained
 * (e.g. `property('name', ctx.name)('title', ctx.title)`)
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵproperty(propName, value, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const bindingIndex = nextBindingIndex();
    if (bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value)) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, value, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode && storePropertyBindingMetadata(tView.data, tNode, propName, bindingIndex);
    return ɵɵproperty;



