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Launchpad tile configuration in S4HANA system

in system configuration Launchpad tile
2023-09-14 09:03:07 时间

We have all been well familiar with the steps of tile configuration in CRM Fiori.

In S4HANA system the mechanism is the same with only slight difference. We still use launchpad designer there. For Smart business use case, it is not necessary for tile manual creation in launchpad designer. Instead, we can only create target mapping there:

And specify Semantic Object + action as below.

Create a new evaluation and click button “Configure Tile”:

Here in navigation property maintenance area, select Drill down as Others and specify Semantic object and action as the same value you have entered in step.
Save this tile configuration.

Now you should be able to search the tile created in previous step and add it to your launchpad via personalization.
