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Docker: the Linux container engine

LinuxDocker The Engine container
2023-09-14 09:03:18 时间
原文地址:https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/ Docker教程中文版本:http://www.widuu.com/docker/ Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
原文地址:https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/ Docker教程中文版本:http://www.widuu.com/docker/
Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container

Docker containers are both hardware-agnostic and platform-agnostic. This means that they can run anywhere, from your laptop to the largest EC2 compute instance and everything in between - and they dont require that you use a particular language, framework or packaging system. That makes them great building blocks for deploying and scaling web apps, databases and backend services without depending on a particular stack or provider.

Docker is an open-source implementation of the deployment engine which powers dotCloud, a popular Platform-as-a-Service. It benefits directly from the experience accumulated over several years of large-scale operation and support of hundreds of thousands of applications and databases.

Better than VMs A common method for distributing applications and sandboxing their execution is to use virtual machines, or VMs. Typical VM formats are VMWares vmdk, Oracle Virtualboxs vdi, and Amazon EC2s ami. In theory these formats should allow every developer to automatically package their application into a "machine" for easy distribution and deployment. In practice, that almost never happens, for a few reasons:

Performance: running VMs consumes significant CPU and memory, which makes them impractical in many scenarios, for example local development of multi-tier applications, and large-scale deployment of cpu and memory-intensive applications on large numbers of machines. Portability: competing VM environments dont play well with each other. Although conversion tools do exist, they are limited and add even more overhead. Hardware-centric: VMs were designed with machine operators in mind, not software developers. As a result, they offer very limited tooling for what developers need most: building, testing and running their software. For example, VMs offer no facilities for application versioning, monitoring, configuration, logging or service discovery. By contrast, Docker relies on a different sandboxing method known as containerization. Unlike traditional virtualization, containerization takes place at the kernel level. Most modern operating system kernels now support the primitives necessary for containerization, including Linux with openvzvserver and more recently lxc, Solaris with zones and FreeBSD with Jails.

Docker builds on top of these low-level primitives to offer developers a portable format and runtime environment that solves all 4 problems. Docker containers are small (and their transfer can be optimized with layers), they have basically zero memory and cpu overhead, they are completely portable and are designed from the ground up with an application-centric design.

The best part: because Docker operates at the OS level, it can still be run inside a VM!

Plays well with others Docker does not require that you buy into a particular programming language, framework, packaging system or configuration language.

Is your application a Unix process? Does it use files, tcp connections, environment variables, standard Unix streams and command-line arguments as inputs and outputs? Then Docker can run it.

Can your applications build be expressed as a sequence of such commands? Then Docker can build it.

Escape dependency hell A common problem for developers is the difficulty of managing all their applications dependencies in a simple and automated way.

This is usually difficult for several reasons:

Cross-platform dependencies. Modern applications often depend on a combination of system libraries and binaries, language-specific packages, framework-specific modules, internal components developed for another project, etc. These dependencies live in different "worlds" and require different tools - these tools typically dont work well with each other, requiring awkward custom integrations.

Conflicting dependencies. Different applications may depend on different versions of the same dependency. Packaging tools handle these situations with various degrees of ease - but they all handle them in different and incompatible ways, which again forces the developer to do extra work.

Custom dependencies. A developer may need to prepare a custom version of their applications dependency. Some packaging systems can handle custom versions of a dependency, others cant - and all of them handle it differently.

Docker solves dependency hell by giving the developer a simple way to express all their applications dependencies in one place, and streamline the process of assembling them. If this makes you think of XKCD 927, dont worry. Docker doesnt replace your favorite packaging systems. It simply orchestrates their use in a simple and repeatable way. How does it do that? With layers.

Docker defines a build as running a sequence of Unix commands, one after the other, in the same container. Build commands modify the contents of the container (usually by installing new files on the filesystem), the next command modifies it some more, etc. Since each build command inherits the result of the previous commands, the order in which the commands are executed expresses dependencies.

Heres a typical Docker build process:

FROM ubuntu:12.04

RUN apt-get update

RUN apt-get install -q -y python python-pip curl

RUN curl -L https://github.com/shykes/helloflask/archive/master.tar.gz | tar -xzv

RUN cd helloflask-master pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that Docker doesnt care how dependencies are built - as long as they can be built by running a Unix command in a container.

Getting started Docker can be installed on your local machine as well as servers - both bare metal and virtualized. It is available as a binary on most modern Linux systems, or as a VM on Windows, Mac and other systems.

We also offer an interactive tutorial for quickly learning the basics of using Docker.

For up-to-date install instructions and online tutorials, see the Getting Started page.

Usage examples Docker can be used to run short-lived commands, long-running daemons (app servers, databases etc.), interactive shell sessions, etc.

You can find a list of real-world examples in the documentation.

Under the hood Under the hood, Docker is built on the following components:

The cgroup and namespacing capabilities of the Linux kernel; The Go programming language.
Contributing to Docker Want to hack on Docker? Awesome! There are instructions to get you started here.

They are probably not perfect, please let us know if anything feels wrong or incomplete.

Legal Brought to you courtesy of our legal counsel. For more context, please see the Notice document.

Use and transfer of Docker may be subject to certain restrictions by the United States and other governments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your use and/or transfer does not violate applicable laws.

For more information, please see http://www.bis.doc.gov

Licensing Docker is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for full license text.

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