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Java Spring AOP研究之Joint Point

JAVASpringAOP 研究 point
2023-09-14 09:03:09 时间

Created by Wang, Jerry on Jul 25, 2016


Joint Point

A join point is an identifiable point in the execution of a program. It could be a call to a method or an assignment to a member of an object.
join point 是程序执行过程中可以被识别的点。它可以是对一个函数的调用或是对象的一个属性。(注:spring的AOP只能做到对函数调用的拦截)


Public class Account{
void credit(float amount){
_balance += amount;

这个例子中的join point包括Account类中执行credit()方法和对_balance的操作。


A pointcut is a program construct that selects join points and collects context at those points. For example, a pointcut can select a join point that is a call to a method, and it could also capture the method’s context, such as the target object on which the method was called and the method’s arguments.
We can write a pointcut that will capture the execution of the credit() method in the Account class shown earlier:

execution(void Account.credit(float))

To understand the difference between a join point and pointcut, think of pointcuts as specifying the weaving rules and join points as situations satisfying those rules.

pointcut 是一种程序结构,它用于选取join point并收集这些point的上下文信息。举例来说,pointcut可以是一个调用方法的join point,并且它能捕获这个方法的上下文信息,例如调用这个方法的目标对象和该方法的属性。

execution(void Account.credit(float))
要想理解join point和pointcut的不同,可以把pointcut想成明确了织入的规则,而join point则声明了符合这些规则的情况(即什么情况下运用织入的规则)。