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Dump in CRM_UPLOAD_IBA_MESSAGE - deactivation discussion

in CRM message dump Upload
2023-09-14 09:03:06 时间

Created by Wang, Jerry on Sep 25, 2015

If IBASE BDOC generation is not needed in given scenario, the deactivation could be fulfilled by edit the view
V_IBBINDING in tcode SM30, delete entry with event IBCOX_SOMETHING_TO_POST and method IB_CRM_BDOC_FILL. As a result FM IB_CRM_BDOC_FILL will never be called any more.
when we create a new IBASE component via IBASE API and then delete it via FM CRM_IBASE_COMP_DELETE in the same session and then save the transaction, then we meet the exception.

Issue analysis

Although the IBASE component information is already available in buffer, unfortunately since the check in line 55 fails, ( due to lv_timestamp is now equal to -valto), CRM_IBASE_COMP_GET_DETAIL is called unexpectedly and ended up with error code 2 - doesnt_exist
