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Document Builder: How does a rule affect the display of one element

The of How Element does One Document display
2023-09-14 09:03:03 时间

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Jul 11, 2014

Because we start this discussion, we need to figure out the inclusion attribute for a given element.

If we maintain the value as "Optional( Setting Overrides Rule )", it means the element will be optional in the document summary ui:



The green light means the element is optional, and end user could use Delete button to remove it from document.



If we change it to "Mandatory(Setting Overrides Rule)", then the Delete button in UI is disabled, which means this element is mandantory in the final rendered document.



For recommended element, it still can be deleted:




For "Optional( Setting Overrides Rule )" and "Mandatory( Setting Overrides Rule )", as mentioned in the description, the display of such element could not be  changed via rule.


For element with "recommended", it means BY DEFAULT the element will be displayed ( as yellow light ) in UI and this visibility could then be changed via rule. For example, currently element "ZCR_FOOTER" has attribute "Recommended":



And I have the following rule which is assigned to some other elements ( since now I am demonstrating the usage of "Recommended" ).



Test in the runtime: this "recommended" element has been changed to "optional" via rule.




For "Rule" attribute, it means the element is by default hidden but could be changed via rule. 


For example, I have set ZCR_NAME as "Rule", 



And I assigned the following rule to it:



And in the runtime the by default hidden element ZCR_NAME is made as recommended as expected:
