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CRM archive object里preprocess program的用途

object CRM 用途 Archive program
2023-09-14 09:03:02 时间

For my second question, it seems application should do change themselves right? At least I have found such code in product.

Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 4:24 PM

Now I am working on data archive enablement for social post. I am going through archive object PRODUCT_MD, preprocessing program COM_PRODUCT_SELECTIONS.

I observed that before I run this report, product status is:


After run, it is changed to:

My question:
Is there any special requirement on own BOL model regarding STATUS field for data archive enablement?
I know in SWO1 we can define application specific function module to tell archive framework that which object can be regarded as archivable.
So I think our BOL model can still define our own STATUS value?

I am not sure who is responsible for this status change, does application ( Product ) change the status, or archive framework code does the change? Currently I am still debugging it…


in the IMG (TA SPRO, IMG) you can search for terms,


and received 1 hit:


Here the Archive retrieval Configurator opens:


And you could edit the SAP_PRODUCT_AIS or create new ones.

Seems to be want you want to see J


Thank you very much for your information. I spend the whole afternoon to debug Product archive and I think I have roughly understood the logic. Your document for BP is also very useful for me.
I will create archive object for Social post and start coding tomorrow.

One more question: do you know which tcode can create Archive infostructure?



I found from above link that I can use this path, however I could not find it in either SAP menu or SPRO.


I also tried tcode under package SARC but no success. Do you know this? Thank you very much!

yes, the application is responsible for status changes. See also the attached document as example for the BP application, including customizing via TA DACONTROL.
