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UI5 extension project clone到WebIDE里后报找不到.project.json错误消息的处理

错误消息JSONJSON 处理 不到 UI5 project
2023-09-14 09:02:42 时间

Suppose you try to create a new extension project based on one existing project:

if you meet with this error message below: ( the next button is disabled )

This is caused by the fact that the necessary project json file is not created by standard development for My note application. All you need to do is to create a .project.json file manually and paste the following source code:


  "translation": {

    "translationDomain": "",

    "supportedLanguages": "en,fr,de",

    "defaultLanguage": "en",

    "defaultI18NPropertyFile": "i18n.properties",

    "resourceModelName": "i18n"



After that the button will be available again:
