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QA meeting on 2016-09-27

On 2016 09 27 QA
2023-09-14 09:03:02 时间

Dear colleague,

please record your question here before the meeting. Then during meeting we can sit together to discuss them.

Question 1

There are lots of result returned in where used list for table COMC_PR_LOGSYS. How can we identify whether they are really only relevant for middleware or still consumed by other CRM application?

Jerry: as first step, judge by name according to own experience, and in second step, confirm your guess by reading source code.

Some naming convention for middleware:

  • SMOF
  • DIMA ( Data Integrity Manager )

上图是CRM industry solution的列表,如果对于一段代码不确信,看这段代码的package或者application component的description,如果发现属于上面的industry solution,那么这段代码可以直接不看了。
