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Step by step to create web service in Cloud Application studio and bind it to a custom action in sta

ITCloudStudioWeb to in and by
2023-09-14 09:02:59 时间

I woud like to change this extension field in third party system outside C4C, using web service or OData service.

I have created a new action in BO CustomerQuote:

And implement this custom action, simply setting extension field to a constant value ( for example 4 represents “Production in process” ).

First I try to create a new Custom OData service, and would like to bind my custom action setProductionInProcess to a OData function import:

Soon I realized it’s not feasible since I found that only standard actions of BO Customer Quote are supported.

Then I try web service. Create a new Web service via wizard:

Choose my custom action setProductionInProcess from drop down list:

Create a new UI view for web service Authorization control. Only those user who are assigned with this view could have access to this web service.

Activate the web service and download the WSDL file for later usage.

Now create a new work center and put the web service just created to this work center.

Assign this new work center to the business user who will consume the web service.

As the last step, import the WSDL file in SoapUI application and fire the web service. In the screenshot below, my aim is to execute the custom action on Sales Order 9000000318 via web service execution.

The web service execution result shows message “Action YS5XJ942Y_S9B018D81BFD966DC executed executed”, indicating that the web service is executed sucessfully.
Now go back to Sales Order TI page, the extension field is set as 4 - Production in Process as expected.