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Knowledge Article TREX search determination

search Article determination Knowledge
2023-09-14 09:03:03 时间

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Apr 21, 2016

Whether the Knowledge Article search is implemented via TREX or normal search is controlled by the global variable GV_TREX_SEARCH_POSSIBLE in class CL_CRM_QKNOART_RUN_BTIL.
The class will check whether there is available RFC destination for TREX search and it could be maintained via customizing Customer Relationship Management->Enterprise Intelligence->Configure RFC Destination:

If your configuration is correct however in the runtime still normal search is performed, you can debug the function module
CRM_SAF_API_SE_CONV_SS to figure out why ev_success fails to be set as abap_true.
more related configuration tables could be found in package EI_SAF_CUST.