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什么是SAP中间件的CSA queue

SAP中间件 什么 Queue
2023-09-14 09:02:49 时间

What is CSA* queue

Ross asked why there is strange queue with name CSA* in inbound or outbound queue monitor.

There is already good answer from SCN:
Basically speaking, every time you make changes on an object in CRM downloaded from ERP, there will be CSA queue automatically generated.
Those queue is responsible to synchronize this CRM change to other site which has registered this change. ( Note: other site does not mean ERP here! )

Before line 167 is executed, BDOC state is below:

After line 167 is executed, notice the BDoc state change:

In line 9 here, all registered listener who are intrested with this CRM change are executed within loop:

For BDOC HIERARCHY_PROD, there are three registered listeners:

These listeners are executed within loop.
