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SAP Spartacus 的 Above-the-Fold Loading 加载机制

SAP The 机制 加载 Spartacus loading fold
2023-09-14 09:02:55 时间


Above-the-fold loading is a technique that prioritizes the creation of components that are “above the fold”. The term “above the fold” is traditionally known as the upper-half of a newspaper, where the most important stories are located. When this concept is transferred to the web, it refers to all the components that are placed at the top of the page, where the experience starts.


Above-the-fold loading要想工作,需要以下三个基础设施的支撑:

  • Deferred loading, which is a technique that postpones the creation of components that are “below the fold”. For more information, see Deferred Loading.

对below the fold的组件进行延迟加载。

  • The notion of the “page fold”. The page fold is not static, and differs from device to device, from screen to screen, and even changes depending on the size of the browser.

Page fold的定义。该定义不是一成不变的,随着设备和屏幕的不同,甚至浏览器尺寸的改变而变化。

  • A couple of CSS rules that initially move components below the page fold.

The page fold is configurable for each page template and breakpoint.

Page fold基于每个页面模板和breakpoint来配置。

The page fold configuration is only an indication to speed up the initial creation of page slots that are above the fold. All page slots are eventually rendered if they happen to be above the fold. You designate the page fold by assigning a page slot to the pageFold parameter. This page slot, and all previous, sibling page slots, are “above the fold”. These page slots are prioritized ahead of page slots that are “below the fold”.

The page fold is part of the LayoutConfig configuration. The page fold indicates the last page slot that should be rendered above the fold.

Page fold是LayoutConfig的一部分,page fold是一个基点,所有page fold之前的Component,都会优先被渲染。


LandingPage2Template: {
    pageFold: 'Section2B',
    slots: [


还可以基于每个breakpoint定义page fold:

ProductDetailsPageTemplate: {
    md: {
        pageFold: 'UpSelling'
    xs: {
        pageFold: 'Summary'
    slots: [

Page fold和CSS相关的设置

By default, when page slots are loaded on the page, there is no minimum height available for the page slots or components.

默认情况下,当页面page slot内的Component加载时,没有所谓的minimum height设置。

The actual height is only added when components are loaded, and the associated CSS rules are applied to the components.


The page slots adjust their height automatically when components are loaded. Therefore, page slots do not have an initial height, which is why they initially end up in the viewport. This prevents the deferred loading technique from working, because it depends on content not being in the viewport.

Given that content can be added at runtime, it is not possible to implement a (hard-coded) minimum height for page slots or components – it all depends on what the business will add at runtime.

所谓的ghost design:

While this lack of minimum height could be filled up by so-called “ghost design” CSS rules, there will always be a gap between the ghost design and the actual content. Furthermore, ghost design rules require an implementation effort that might not be available.

To make it possible to defer the loading of below-the-fold content, Spartacus marks page slots that are below the page fold while page slots above the fold are being loaded. All page slots are marked with an is-pending class as long as all the inner components are not loaded.

below-the-fold Component被标记成is-pending class和page-fold class.

Additionally, the page fold slot has a page-fold class. With these two classes, Spartacus can apply various CSS rules to control deferred loading of below-the-fold content.

The following CSS shows all pending page slots after the pending page-fold, and moves them below the fold with a margin-top.

下列css使用margin-top, 将below-the-fold的Component移动到page-fold之下:

cx-page-slot.cx-pending.page-fold ~ cx-page-slot.cx-pending {
    margin-top: 100vh;