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PostgreSQL的"天气预报" - 如何预测Freeze IO风暴

postgresqlIO 如何 预测 quot 风暴 天气预报
2023-09-14 09:02:09 时间

还记得我写的这篇文档吗? 《PostgreSQL 大表自动 freeze 优化思路》


预测 IO 风暴

如何预测此类(prevent wrapped vacuum freeze) IO 风暴的来临呢?
.1. 表的大小以及距离它需要被强制vacuum freeze prevent wrap的年龄

.2. 每隔一段时间的XID值的采样(例如每分钟一次),采样越多越好,因为需要用于预测下一个时间窗口的XID。(其实就是每分钟消耗多少个事务号的数据)

.3. 通过第二步得到的结果,预测下一个时间窗口的每分钟的pXID(可以使用线性回归来进行预测)

预测的结论包括 未来一段时间的总Freeze IO量,以及分时的Freeze IO量。
Freeze IO 时段总量
Freeze IO 分时走势



vi xids.sh


export PATH=/home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin:$PATH

export PGHOST=

export PGPORT=1921

export PGDATABASE=postgres

export PGUSER=postgres

export PGPASSWORD=postgres

psql -c "create table xids(crt_time timestamp, xids int8)"

for ((i=1;i ))

# 保留1个月的数据

psql -c "with a as (select ctid from xids order by crt_time desc limit 100 offset 43200) delete from xids where ctid in (select ctid from a);"

psql -c "insert into xids values (now(), txid_current());"

sleep 60

chmod 500 xids.sh

nohup ./xids.sh /dev/null 2 1 


postgres=# select * from xids ;

 crt_time | xids 


 2016-06-12 12:36:13.201315 | 2020

 2016-06-12 12:37:13.216002 | 9021

 2016-06-12 12:38:13.240739 | 21022

 2016-06-12 12:39:13.259203 | 32023

 2016-06-12 12:40:13.300604 | 42024

 2016-06-12 12:41:13.325874 | 52025

 2016-06-12 12:42:13.361152 | 62026

 2016-06-12 12:43:15.481609 | 72027


表的大小以及距离它需要被强制vacuum freeze prevent wrap的年龄

vi pred_io.sh


export PATH=/home/digoal/pgsql9.5/bin:$PATH

export PGHOST=

export PGPORT=1921

export PGDATABASE=postgres

export PGUSER=postgres

export PGPASSWORD=postgres

psql -c "drop table pred_io; create table pred_io(crt_time timestamp, bytes int8, left_live int8);"

for db in `psql -A -t -q -c "select datname from pg_database where datname template0"`

psql -d $db -c " copy (

select now(), bytes, case when max_age age then max_age-age else 0 end as xids from 

(select block_size*relpages bytes, 

case when d_max_age is not null and d_max_age max_age then d_max_age else max_age end as max_age,

age from


(select setting from pg_settings where name=block_size)::int8 as block_size, 

(select setting from pg_settings where name=autovacuum_freeze_max_age)::int8 as max_age, 


substring(reloptions::text,autovacuum_freeze_max_age=(\d+))::int8 as d_max_age,

age(relfrozenxid) age

from pg_class where relkind in (r, t)) t) t

) to stdout;" | psql -d $PGDATABASE -c "copy pred_io from stdin"

. ./pred_io.sh


postgres=# select * from pred_io limit 10;

 crt_time | bytes | left_live 


 2016-06-12 13:24:08.666995 | 131072 | 199999672

 2016-06-12 13:24:08.666995 | 65536 | 199999672

 2016-06-12 13:24:08.666995 | 0 | 199999672

 2016-06-12 13:24:08.666995 | 0 | 199999672

 2016-06-12 13:24:08.666995 | 0 | 199999672

 2016-06-12 13:24:08.666995 | 0 | 199999672



create view v_pred_xids as 

with b as (select min(crt_time) tbase from pred_io), 

 a as (select crt_time + interval 1 day as crt_time, xids from xids,b where crt_time = b.tbase - interval 1 day) 

select crt_time, xids - (select min(xids) from a) as xids from a ; 


 crt_time | xids 


 2016-06-13 12:36:13.201315 | 0

 2016-06-13 12:37:13.216002 | 100

 2016-06-13 12:38:13.240739 | 200

 2016-06-13 12:39:13.259203 | 300

 2016-06-13 12:40:13.300604 | 400

结合pred_io与v_pred_xids 进行 io风暴预测

create view pred_tbased_io as

with a as (select crt_time, xids as s_xids, lead(xids) over(order by crt_time) as e_xids from v_pred_xids)

select a.crt_time, sum(b.bytes) bytes from a, pred_io b where b.left_live =a.s_xids and b.left_live a.e_xids group by a.crt_time order by a.crt_time;

未来一天的总freeze io bytes预测

postgres=# select min(crt_time),max(crt_time),sum(bytes) from pred_tbased_io ;

 min | max | sum 


 2016-06-13 12:36:13.201315 | 2016-06-14 12:35:26.104025 | 19685376

(1 row)

未来一天的freeze io bytes分时走势

postgres=# select * from pred_tbased_io ;

 crt_time | bytes 


 2016-06-13 12:36:13.201315 | 65536

 2016-06-13 12:37:13.216002 | 581632

 2016-06-13 12:38:13.240739 | 0

 2016-06-13 12:39:13.259203 | 0

 2016-06-13 12:40:13.300604 | 0

 2016-06-13 12:41:13.325874 | 0

 2016-06-13 12:43:15.481609 | 106496

 2016-06-13 12:43:24.133055 | 8192

 2016-06-13 12:45:24.193318 | 0

 2016-06-13 12:46:24.225559 | 16384

 2016-06-13 12:48:24.296223 | 13434880

 2016-06-13 12:49:24.325652 | 24576

 2016-06-13 12:50:24.367232 | 401408

 2016-06-13 12:51:24.426199 | 0

 2016-06-13 12:52:24.457375 | 393216


.1. 线性回归
.2. with语法
.3. 窗口函数
.4. xid分时消耗统计
.5. 强制prevent wrap freeze vacuum的剩余XIDs统计

Postgresql为什么需要Freeze? Freeze PG需要为每个事务分配事务ID,这是MVCC能工作的基础,类似于一个时间戳的概念。 时间戳的做基本动作就是比较大小,即需要得到哪条事务在先,哪条在后。   首先我们来看一下PG中事务ID的比较逻辑,这部分在之前的某一起DB月报中也介绍过。 /* * TransactionIdPrecedes --- is id1 logically id2? */boo
PostgreSQL技术周刊第26期:vacuum freeze无法回收事务号问题分析 PostgreSQL(简称PG)的开发者们:云栖社区已有5000位PG开发者,发布了3000+PG文章(文章列表),沉淀了700+的PG精品问答(问答列表)。 PostgreSQL技术周刊会为大家介绍最新的PG技术与动态、预告活动、最热问答、直播教程等,欢迎大家订阅PostgreSQL技术周刊。