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PostgreSQL 多维分析 CASE

postgresql case
2023-09-14 09:02:06 时间




postgres=# create table tab5(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, crt_time timestamp);



postgres=# insert into tab5 select 





clock_timestamp() + (trunc(10000*random())|| hour)::interval 

from generate_series(1,1000000);

INSERT 0 1000000

postgres=# select * from tab5 limit 10;

 c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | crt_time 


 72 | 46 | 3479 | 20075 | 2017-02-02 14:56:36.854218

 98 | 979 | 4491 | 83012 | 2017-06-13 08:56:36.854416

 54 | 758 | 5838 | 45956 | 2016-09-18 02:56:36.854427

 3 | 67 | 5148 | 74754 | 2017-01-01 01:56:36.854431

 42 | 650 | 7681 | 36495 | 2017-06-20 15:56:36.854435

 4 | 472 | 6454 | 19554 | 2016-06-18 19:56:36.854438

 82 | 922 | 902 | 17435 | 2016-07-21 14:56:36.854441

 68 | 156 | 1028 | 13275 | 2017-07-16 10:56:36.854444

 0 | 674 | 7446 | 59386 | 2016-07-26 09:56:36.854447

 0 | 629 | 2022 | 52285 | 2016-11-04 13:56:36.85445

(10 rows)

创建一个统计结果表, 其中bitmap表示统计的字段组合, 用位置符0,1表示是否统计了该维度

create table stat_tab5 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, time1 text, time2 text, time3 text, time4 text, cnt int8, bitmap text);

PS (如果业务字段有空的情况,建议统计时用coalesce转一下,确保不会统计到空的情况)

insert into stat_tab5

select c1,c2,c3,c4,t1,t2,t3,t4,cnt, 


case when c1 is null then 0 else 1 end || 

case when c2 is null then 0 else 1 end || 

case when c3 is null then 0 else 1 end || 

case when c4 is null then 0 else 1 end || 

case when t1 is null then 0 else 1 end || 

case when t2 is null then 0 else 1 end || 

case when t3 is null then 0 else 1 end || 

case when t4 is null then 0 else 1 end


select c1,c2,c3,c4,

to_char(crt_time, yyyy) t1, 

to_char(crt_time, yyyy-mm) t2, 

to_char(crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd) t3, 

to_char(crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24) t4, 

count(*) cnt

from tab5 

group by 


grouping sets(to_char(crt_time, yyyy), to_char(crt_time, yyyy-mm), to_char(crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd), to_char(crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24))

INSERT 0 49570486

Time: 172373.714 ms


create index idx_stat_tab5_bitmap on stat_tab5 (bitmap);


c1,c3,c4,t3 = bitmap(10110010)

postgres=# select c1,c3,c4,time3,cnt from stat_tab5 where bitmap=10110010 limit 10;

 c1 | c3 | c4 | time3 | cnt 


 41 | 0 | 30748 | 2016-06-04 | 1

 69 | 0 | 87786 | 2016-06-04 | 1

 70 | 0 | 38805 | 2016-06-04 | 1

 79 | 0 | 65892 | 2016-06-08 | 1

 51 | 0 | 13615 | 2016-06-11 | 1

 47 | 0 | 42196 | 2016-06-28 | 1

 45 | 0 | 54736 | 2016-07-01 | 1

 50 | 0 | 21605 | 2016-07-02 | 1

 46 | 0 | 40888 | 2016-07-16 | 1

 41 | 0 | 90258 | 2016-07-17 | 1

(10 rows)

Time: 0.528 ms

postgres=# select * from stat_tab5 where bitmap=00001000 limit 10;

 c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | time1 | time2 | time3 | time4 | cnt | bitmap 


 | | | | 2016 | | | | 514580 | 00001000

 | | | | 2017 | | | | 485420 | 00001000

(2 rows)

Time: 0.542 ms

执行计划,可以看到优雅的sort,一次sort多次rolldown, 不是简单的union all哦。



 Insert on stat_tab5 (cost=208059.84..142986926.23 rows=1536000000 width=184)

 - Subquery Scan on t (cost=208059.84..142986926.23 rows=1536000000 width=184)

 - GroupAggregate (cost=208059.84..35466926.23 rows=1536000000 width=152)

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c4, tab5.c2, tab5.c1

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c4, tab5.c2

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c4

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text))

 Group Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text))

 Group Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text))

 Group Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text))

 Group Key: tab5.c3, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c2, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c1, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c2, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c2, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c2, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c2, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c2

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c2

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c2

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c4

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c3, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c2

 Group Key: tab5.c1, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text))

 Sort Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1, tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c1

 Group Key: tab5.c4, (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text))

 Sort Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text)), tab5.c2

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm::text))

 Sort Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text)), tab5.c2

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd hh24::text))

 Sort Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3, tab5.c4

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c2, tab5.c3

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text)), tab5.c2

 Group Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy-mm-dd::text))

 - Sort (cost=208059.84..210559.84 rows=1000000 width=144)

 Sort Key: (to_char(tab5.crt_time, yyyy::text)), tab5.c4, tab5.c2, tab5.c1

 - Seq Scan on tab5 (cost=0.00..26370.00 rows=1000000 width=144)

(93 rows)

.1. 分区表

.2. 流式计算
使用pipelinedb结合cube和grouping sets,把以上的统计改成流式统计,可以提升用户体验,快速得到报表。

.3. 使用MPP产品来提升数据的存储量和计算能力,例如Greenplum。

.4. 使用PostgreSQL 9.6 的CPU并行技术,性能可以有明显的提升。

.5. 使用GPU加速,也可以有非常巨大的提升。

.6. 更大数据量可以使用Greenplum,支持MPP。 实现PB级别多维分析。


无序UUID会带来很多问题,例如索引分裂膨胀,离散IO,WAL膨胀等,详见以前的分析。 Regular random UUIDs are distributed uniformly over the whole range of possible values.
某个系统存储了会员的标签,以及标签的描述信息。业务上需要通过会员ID得到会员的标签,再得到描述信息。 每个会员有若干标签,原来是这么存储的 1、会员标签表,人数5亿左右,每个人平均有几百个标签,1500亿行左右。
SQL UNION结构必须使可能不相似的类型匹配成为一个单一的结果集。该决定算法被独立地应用到一个联合查询的每个输出列。 INTERSECT和EXCEPT采用和UNION相同的方法来决定不相似的类型。
PostgreSQL 如何高效解决 按任意字段分词检索的问题 - case 1 在有些应用场景中,可能会涉及多个字段的匹配。 例如这样的场景,一张表包含了几个字段,分别为歌手,曲目,专辑名称,作曲,歌词, 。。。 用户可能要在所有的字段中以分词的方式匹配刘德华,任意字段匹配即返回TRUE。 传统的做法是每个字段建立分词索引,然后挨个匹配。