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Tomcat 对 Cookie的聪明处理。

TomcatCookie 处理 聪明
2023-09-14 09:02:07 时间

    近日使用Tomcat调试的时候,使用response写入一个Cookie,发现Cookie的值带上了双引号,百思不得其解,查找源码发现Tomcat在写入Cookie值有"/" 的时候,为避免错误,Tomcat做了以下处理:



span     private static void maybeQuote (StringBuffer buf, String value) {           if (value==null || value.length()==0) {               buf.append("\"\"");           } else if (CookieSupport.alreadyQuoted(value)) {               buf.append(");               buf.append(escapeDoubleQuotes(value,1,value.length()-1));               buf.append(");           }  span  else if (CookieSupport.isHttpToken(value)                     !CookieSupport.ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0 ||                   CookieSupport.isV0Token(value)                     CookieSupport.ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0) /span  {               buf.append(");               buf.append(escapeDoubleQuotes(value,0,value.length()));               buf.append(");           } else {               buf.append(value);           }       }   /span   

org.apache.catalina. STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE

If this is true the following actions will occur:

any wrapped request or response object passed to an application dispatcher will be checked to ensure that it has wrapped the original request or response. (SRV.8.2 / SRV. a call to Response.getWriter() if no character encoding has been specified will result in subsequent calls to Response.getCharacterEncoding() returningISO-8859-1 and the Content-Type response header will include a charset=ISO-8859-1 component. (SRV. every request that is associated with a session will cause the sessions last accessed time to be updated regardless of whether or not the request explicitly accesses the session. (SRV.7.6) cookies will be parsed strictly, by default v0 cookies will not work with any invalid characters. 
If set to false, any v0 cookie with invalid character will be switched to a v1 cookie and the value will be quoted.
the path in ServletContext.getResource / getResourceAsStream calls must start with a "/".
If set to false, code like getResource("myfolder/myresource.txt") will work.
org.apache.catalina.connector.Request. ALLOW_EMPTY_QUERY_STRING property The webXmlValidation attribute of any Context element. The webXmlNamespaceAware attribute of any Context element. The tldValidation attribute of any Context element.


If not specified, the default value of false will be used.






 影响版本:暂时确认有Tomcat 6、7

