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[HTML 5] Atomic Relevant Busy

HTML atomic Busy
2023-09-14 09:00:50 时间

Together 'aria-live', we can use 'aria-atomic', 'aria-relevant' and 'aria-busy' to give more information to screen reader, when should announce the changes.


For example, aria-atomic:

If you change the month from 10 to 11, it will announce the whole "18 11 1983" again.



Rreally rare that you want to change the default value 'additional text'. it means any text change or element added to the tree will announce the changes.


'aira-busy': default false:

If set to true, then it will wait the content fully loaded to announce the changes. This should be controlled by javascript. 

Once everything are loaded, the aria-busy should be set to the false.