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[LeetCode] Peeking Iterator

LeetCode Iterator
2023-09-14 09:01:04 时间
Given an Iterator class interface with methods: next() and hasNext(), design and implement a PeekingIterator that support the peek() operation – it essentially peek() at the element that wi

Given an Iterator class interface with methods: next() and hasNext(), design and implement a PeekingIterator that support the peek() operation – it essentially peek() at the element that will be returned by the next call to next().

Here is an example. Assume that the iterator is initialized to the beginning of the list: [1, 2, 3].

Call next() gets you 1, the first element in the list.

Now you call peek() and it returns 2, the next element. Calling next() after that still return 2.

You call next() the final time and it returns 3, the last element. Calling hasNext() after that should return false.


Think of “looking ahead”. You want to cache the next element. Is one variable sufficient? Why or why not? Test your design with call order of peek() before next() vs next() before peek(). For a clean implementation, check out Google’s guava library source code.



//Java Iterator interface reference: //https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Iterator.html class PeekingIterator implements Iterator Integer { Integer peek = null; private Iterator Integer iterator; public PeekingIterator(Iterator Integer iterator) { this.iterator = iterator; // Returns the next element in the iteration without advancing the iterator. public Integer peek() { if (peek == null) { peek = iterator.next(); return peek; // hasNext() and next() should behave the same as in the Iterator interface. // Override them if needed. @Override public Integer next() { if (peek == null) { return iterator.next(); else { Integer temp = peek; peek = null; return temp; @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (peek != null) { return true; else { return iterator.hasNext(); }
LeetCode 284. Peeking Iterator 给定一个迭代器类的接口,接口包含两个方法: next() 和 hasNext()。设计并实现一个支持 peek() 操作的顶端迭代器 -- 其本质就是把原本应由 next() 方法返回的元素 peek() 出来。
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