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[GitHub] LEVEL 2 Single Repository Workflows

GitHub level Repository single
2023-09-14 09:00:55 时间

2.2 Pull Requests Within a Repository

We're going to "come to you" and collaborate on your fork of the "dojo_rules" repository. To start out, we'll try doing some work on a local branch with a pull request.

1. Add a collaborators. "Settings --> Collaborators"


2. Create a branch of the "dojo_rules" repository locally and name it "deadly_skills". Push it up to GitHub. At this point, the branch will have the same content as the master branch.

$git branch -b deadly_skills

[deadly_skills] $git push origin deadly_skills


3. On your "deadly_skills" branch, open up your introduction file and modify it to include a list of your deadly skills (for example: Git, JavaScript, Ruby). Since this file is Markdown, you can specify these one per line starting the line with a * to make them into a list.

Add, commit and push your changes up to GitHub. Be sure to push to the remote branch with the same name as your local branch – deadly_skills.

dojo_rules$ git commit -am "Added deadly skills"
dojo_rules (deadly_skills)$ git push origin deadly_skills


4. Create a pull request from your branch to your master. When you create a pull request by default it'll go from your master branch back to "deadlyvipers/dojo_rules". In this case though, we want the pull request to go from "dojo_rules/deadly_skills" to "dojo_rules/master" – both in your repository.

To do this, create a pull request and click "Edit" at the top. Make sure the base is your master and the "compare" is your "deadly_skills" branch. This should show all of the changes you made on your branch.


 3 Merge the pull request.


Closing Pull Requests by Merging

Start by getting all changes on GitHub on your master branch:

dojo_rules (deadly_skills)$ git checkout master
dojo_rules (master)$ git pull
Next, merge in the using the no-ff option.

dojo_rules (master)$ git merge --no-ff deadly_skills -m "Merging in deadly_skills"
Force push it to GitHub:

dojo_rules (deadly_skills)$ git push

git checkout master
git pull
git merge --no-ff deadly_skills
git push