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[HTML5] Using the tabindex attribute for keyboard accessibility

html5 for The Using attribute keyboard
2023-09-14 09:00:52 时间

You can make any element keyboard interactive with the HTML tabindex attribute. But you might need a little extra JavaScript and ARIA to support keyboards and screen readers. For more on using tabindex in practice, check out focus management lesson.



Make it accessable by click "tab" on keyboard. 



Make it uaccessable by clicking "tab" on keyboard, but still can send fouse by Javascript. Why -1 can be useful. It has pulled it out of the tab order, which is handy if, say, that button is in an inactive screen in a web application or behind a modal window. You might have some reason to pull it out of the tab order, so that a screen reader or keyboard user isn't landing on something that they can't use, for whatever reason.


  <div tabindex="100" id="fakeBtn" class="btn" role="button">Button</div>

  <button id="realBtn" class="btn">Button</button>