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[Javascript] Advanced Flattening

JavaScript Advanced
2023-09-14 09:00:55 时间

Really the trick to flattening deeply nested structures is to just keep nesting map expressions until you have a variable or function argument, when is basically the same thing here, a variable bound to every single item you need to create your result.

Because there are three nested map expressions, I am going to end up with a three dimensional collection. The first step is figuring out how many levels deep your collection is. The next step is to flatten it n-1 times.

If your collection is three dimensional, you need two concat alls. It also matters where you put the concat all. I can't put the concat all here because I want you to notice that this expression by itself is just a one dimensional collection. We're just taking an array of closes, filtering it, and then mapping it not into another collection but just into an object.

var exchanges = [
    name: "NYSE",
    stocks: [
        symbol: "XFX", 
        closes: [
          { date: new Date(2014,11,24), price: 240.10 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,23), price: 232.08 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,22), price: 241.09 }
        symbol: "TNZ", 
        closes: [
          { date: new Date(2014,11,24), price: 521.24 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,23), price: 511.00 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,22), price: 519.29 }     
    name: "TSX",
    stocks: [
        symbol: "JXJ", 
        closes: [
          { date: new Date(2014,11,24), price: 423.22 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,23), price: 424.84 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,22), price: 419.72 }
        symbol: "NYN", 
        closes: [
          { date: new Date(2014,11,24), price: 16.82 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,23), price: 16.12 },
          { date: new Date(2014,11,22), price: 15.77 }

Array.prototype.concatAll = function() {
  var results = [];
  this.forEach(function(subArray) {
    subArray.forEach(function(item) {
  return results;

// Want to output the closes which the date is 12/24
var christmasEveCloses = exchanges.
    return exchange.stocks
      return stock.closes.
          return close.date.getMonth() === 11 &&
            close.date.getDate() === 24;
          return {
           symbol: stock.symbol,
           price: close.price
christmasEveCloses.forEach(function(christmasEveClose) {