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2023-02-18 16:43:31 时间

1 测试数据

drop table student;
create table student(sno int primary key, sname varchar(10), ssex int);
insert into student values(1, 'stu1', 0);
insert into student values(2, 'stu2', 1);
insert into student values(3, 'stu3', 1);
insert into student values(4, 'stu4', 0);

drop table course;
create table course(cno int primary key, cname varchar(10), tno int);
insert into course values(1, 'meth', 10);
insert into course values(2, 'english', 11);

drop table teacher;
create table teacher(tno int primary key, tname varchar(10), tsex int);
insert into teacher values(10, 'te1', 1);
insert into teacher values(11, 'te2', 0);

drop table score;
create table score (sno int, cno int, degree int);
insert into score values (1, 10, 100);
insert into score values (1, 11, 89);
insert into score values (2, 10, 99);
insert into score values (2, 11, 90);
insert into score values (3, 10, 87);
insert into score values (3, 11, 20);
insert into score values (4, 10, 60);
insert into score values (4, 11, 70);

2 列属性VAR实例

SELECT st.sname FROM STUDENT st WHERE st.sno = ANY(SELECT sno FROM SCORE WHERE st.sno=sno);

-- 结果

-- 计划
                           QUERY PLAN                            
 Seq Scan on student st  (cost=0.00..19562.50 rows=550 width=38)
   Filter: (SubPlan 1)
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Seq Scan on score  (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=10 width=4)
           Filter: (st.sno = sno)


3 表RangeTblEntry实例

  COURSE,(VALUES (1, 1)) AS NUM(x, y), 

-- 结果
 sno | sname | ssex | sno | cno | degree | tno | tname | tsex | cno |  cname  | tno | x | y | z  
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  10 |    100 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  11 |     89 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   2 |  10 |     99 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   2 |  11 |     90 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   3 |  10 |     87 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   3 |  11 |     20 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   4 |  10 |     60 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   4 |  11 |     70 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   1 |  10 |    100 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   1 |  11 |     89 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   2 |  10 |     99 |  10 | te1   |    1 |   1 | meth    |  10 | 1 | 1 |  1

-- 计划
                                           QUERY PLAN                                           
 Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..339571526494.35 rows=27152400000000 width=162)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..166526458.85 rows=13310000000 width=142)
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..151435.10 rows=12100000 width=96)
               ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..161.35 rows=11000 width=50)
                     ->  Function Scan on generate_series gs  (cost=0.00..0.10 rows=10 width=4)
                     ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..26.50 rows=1100 width=46)
                           ->  Seq Scan on teacher  (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)
               ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..26.50 rows=1100 width=46)
                     ->  Seq Scan on course  (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)
         ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..26.50 rows=1100 width=46)
               ->  Seq Scan on student  (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)
   ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..40.60 rows=2040 width=12)
         ->  Seq Scan on score  (cost=0.00..30.40 rows=2040 width=12)


3 连接键JoinExpr实例


-- 结果
 sno | sname | ssex | sno | cno | degree | cno | cname | tno 
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  10 |    100 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   1 |  10 |    100 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   1 |  10 |    100 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   1 |  10 |    100 |     |       |    
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  11 |     89 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   1 |  11 |     89 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   1 |  11 |     89 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   1 |  11 |     89 |     |       |    
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   2 |  10 |     99 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   2 |  10 |     99 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   2 |  10 |     99 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   2 |  10 |     99 |     |       |    
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   2 |  11 |     90 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   2 |  11 |     90 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   2 |  11 |     90 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   2 |  11 |     90 |     |       |    
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   3 |  10 |     87 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   3 |  10 |     87 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   3 |  10 |     87 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   3 |  10 |     87 |     |       |    
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   3 |  11 |     20 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   3 |  11 |     20 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   3 |  11 |     20 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   3 |  11 |     20 |     |       |    
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   4 |  10 |     60 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   4 |  10 |     60 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   4 |  10 |     60 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   4 |  10 |     60 |     |       |    
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   4 |  11 |     70 |     |       |    
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   4 |  11 |     70 |     |       |    
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   4 |  11 |     70 |     |       |    
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   4 |  11 |     70 |     |       |

-- 计划
                                  QUERY PLAN                                   
 Nested Loop  (cost=34.75..28144.28 rows=2244000 width=104)
   ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=34.75..70.53 rows=2040 width=58)
         Hash Cond: (score.cno = course.cno)
         ->  Seq Scan on score  (cost=0.00..30.40 rows=2040 width=12)
         ->  Hash  (cost=21.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)
               ->  Seq Scan on course  (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)
   ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..26.50 rows=1100 width=46)
         ->  Seq Scan on student "le盯"  (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)


5 自然连接键FromExpr实例


-- 结果
 sno | sname | ssex | sno | cno | degree | cno |  cname  | tno 
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  10 |    100 |   1 | meth    |  10
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  10 |    100 |   2 | english |  11
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  11 |     89 |   1 | meth    |  10
   1 | stu1  |    0 |   1 |  11 |     89 |   2 | english |  11
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   2 |  10 |     99 |   1 | meth    |  10
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   2 |  10 |     99 |   2 | english |  11
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   2 |  11 |     90 |   1 | meth    |  10
   2 | stu2  |    1 |   2 |  11 |     90 |   2 | english |  11
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   3 |  10 |     87 |   1 | meth    |  10
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   3 |  10 |     87 |   2 | english |  11
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   3 |  11 |     20 |   1 | meth    |  10
   3 | stu3  |    1 |   3 |  11 |     20 |   2 | english |  11
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   4 |  10 |     60 |   1 | meth    |  10
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   4 |  10 |     60 |   2 | english |  11
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   4 |  11 |     70 |   1 | meth    |  10
   4 | stu4  |    0 |   4 |  11 |     70 |   2 | english |  11

-- 计划

                                  QUERY PLAN                                  
 Nested Loop  (cost=34.75..28144.28 rows=2244000 width=104)
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=34.75..70.53 rows=2040 width=58)
         Hash Cond: (score.sno = student.sno)
         ->  Seq Scan on score  (cost=0.00..30.40 rows=2040 width=12)
         ->  Hash  (cost=21.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)
               ->  Seq Scan on student  (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)
   ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..26.50 rows=1100 width=46)
         ->  Seq Scan on course  (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)


6 Query树


typedef struct Query
	NodeTag		type;

	CmdType		commandType;	/* select|insert|update|delete|merge|utility */

	QuerySource querySource;	/* where did I come from? */

	 * query identifier (can be set by plugins); ignored for equal, as it
	 * might not be set; also not stored
	uint64		queryId pg_node_attr(equal_ignore, read_write_ignore, read_as(0));

	bool		canSetTag;		/* do I set the command result tag? */

	Node	   *utilityStmt;	/* non-null if commandType == CMD_UTILITY */

	int			resultRelation; /* rtable index of target relation for

	bool		hasAggs;		/* has aggregates in tlist or havingQual */
	bool		hasWindowFuncs; /* has window functions in tlist */
	bool		hasTargetSRFs;	/* has set-returning functions in tlist */
	bool		hasSubLinks;	/* has subquery SubLink */
	bool		hasDistinctOn;	/* distinctClause is from DISTINCT ON */
	bool		hasRecursive;	/* WITH RECURSIVE was specified */
	bool		hasModifyingCTE;	/* has INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE in WITH */
	bool		hasForUpdate;	/* FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE was specified */
	bool		hasRowSecurity; /* rewriter has applied some RLS policy */

	bool		isReturn;		/* is a RETURN statement */

	List	   *cteList;		/* WITH list (of CommonTableExpr's) */

	List	   *rtable;			/* list of range table entries */
	FromExpr   *jointree;		/* table join tree (FROM and WHERE clauses);
								 * also USING clause for MERGE */

	List	   *mergeActionList;	/* list of actions for MERGE (only) */
	bool		mergeUseOuterJoin;	/* whether to use outer join */

	List	   *targetList;		/* target list (of TargetEntry) */

	OverridingKind override;	/* OVERRIDING clause */

	OnConflictExpr *onConflict; /* ON CONFLICT DO [NOTHING | UPDATE] */

	List	   *returningList;	/* return-values list (of TargetEntry) */

	List	   *groupClause;	/* a list of SortGroupClause's */
	bool		groupDistinct;	/* is the group by clause distinct? */

	List	   *groupingSets;	/* a list of GroupingSet's if present */

	Node	   *havingQual;		/* qualifications applied to groups */

	List	   *windowClause;	/* a list of WindowClause's */

	List	   *distinctClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */

	List	   *sortClause;		/* a list of SortGroupClause's */

	Node	   *limitOffset;	/* # of result tuples to skip (int8 expr) */
	Node	   *limitCount;		/* # of result tuples to return (int8 expr) */
	LimitOption limitOption;	/* limit type */

	List	   *rowMarks;		/* a list of RowMarkClause's */

	Node	   *setOperations;	/* set-operation tree if this is top level of
								 * a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT query */

	List	   *constraintDeps; /* a list of pg_constraint OIDs that the query
								 * depends on to be semantically valid */

	List	   *withCheckOptions;	/* a list of WithCheckOption's (added
									 * during rewrite) */

	 * The following two fields identify the portion of the source text string
	 * containing this query.  They are typically only populated in top-level
	 * Queries, not in sub-queries.  When not set, they might both be zero, or
	 * both be -1 meaning "unknown".
	int			stmt_location;	/* start location, or -1 if unknown */
	int			stmt_len;		/* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */
} Query;
  • rtable:在查询中 FROM 子句后面会指出需要进行查询的范围表,可能是对单个范围表进行查询,也可能是对几个范围表做连接操作, rtable 中则记录了这些范围表。rtable 是一个 List 指针,所有要查询的范围表就记录在这个 List 中,每个表以 RangeTblEntry 结构体来表示,因此 rtable 是一个以 RangeTblEntry 为节点的 List链表 。
  • jointree: rtable 中列出了查询语句中的表,但没有明确指出各个表之间的连接关系,这个 连接的关系 则通过 jointree 来标明, jointree 是一个 FromExpr 类型 的结构体,它有 3 种类型的节点 : FromExpr、 JoinExpr 和 RangeTblRef。
  • targetlist: targetlist 中包含了需要投影( Project)的列,也就是 SFW 查询中的投影列 。


8 Query实例:SELECT st.sname, sc.degree FROM STUDENT st, SCORE sc WHERE st.sno = sc.sno;


9 Query实例:SELECT st.sname, sc.degree FROM STUDENT st INNER JOIN SCORE sc ON st.sno = sc.sno;


10 Query实例:SELECT st.sname, c.cname, sc.degree FROM STUDENT st,COURSE c INNER JOIN SCORE sc ON c.cno = sc.cno WHERE st.sno = sc.sno;
