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2023-02-18 16:37:08 时间

1. 引言




  1. 在群中 In the Swarm
  2. 精神政治学 Psychopolitics
  3. 透明社会 The Transparency Society
  4. 倦怠社会 The Burnout Society
  5. 爱欲之死 The agony of eros

2. 在群中


如今,我们痴迷于数字媒体,却不能对痴迷的结果做出全面的判断。这种盲目,以及与之相伴的麻木即构成了当下的危机。 We are enraptured by the digital medium yet unable to gauge the consequences of our frenzy fully. The crisis we are now experiencing follows from our blindness and stupefaction.


距离将尊重从窥看中区分出来。一个社会如果没有尊重,没有保持距离的激情,那它将变成一个丑闻社会。 Distance is what makes respectare different from spectare. A society without respect, without the pathos of distance, paves the way for the society of scandal.


人与人的偶然聚集尚不能构成大众,只有当一个灵魂、一种思想将他们联系在一起,才能组成一个团结的、内在同质(homogen)的群体单位。数字群完全没有群体性的灵魂或者群体性的思想。组成数字群的个人不会发展成“我们”,因为他们无法协调一致,无法将一群人团结在一起,形成一个有行动力的群体。与大众不同,数字群不是内聚的,它无法形成一种声音。网络暴力也同样缺乏这样一种声音,因此才被认为是噪音。 For a crowd to emerge, a chance gathering of human beings is not enough. It takes a soul, a common spirit, to fuse people into a crowd. The digital swarm lacks the soul or spirit of the masses. Individuals who come together as a swarm do not develop a we. No harmony prevails—which is what welds the crowd together into an active entity. Unlike the crowd, the swarm demonstrates no internal coherence. It does not speak with a voice. The shitstorm lacks a voice, too. Accordingly, it is perceived as noise.

于是,数字群形成了一种“汇集而不聚集”的特殊形式 —— a crowd without interiority,没有灵魂,也没有思想。而随着社会中的利己主义(egoization)和原子化(atomization)的不断加深,集体向个人主义让位,“个体弱化集体”成为了新的趋势 —— Socius has yielded to solus。

3. 精神政治学


生命政治的时代随之终结。我们如今正迈向数字精神政治的新时代。 With that, the era of biopolitics has come to an end. Now, we are entering the age of digital psychopolitics.


在自我剥削的新自由主义政权中,人们其实是向自己发起了侵略。自发侵略没有使被剥削者成为革命者,而是使他们意志消沉,无法振作。 Now, under the neoliberal regime of auto-exploitation, people are turning their aggression against themselves. This auto-aggressivity means that the exploited are not inclined to revolution so much as depression.


Do we really want to be free? Didn’t we invent God so we wouldn’t have to be free?


绝对的自由和交际现在变成了被控制和监视。就连社交媒体也越来越像一座监视社情民意、褫夺公民权利的数字化全景敞视监狱(Panoptikum)。 Today, unbounded freedom and communication are switching over into total control and surveillance. More and more, social media resemble digital panoptica keeping watch over the social realm and exploiting it mercilessly.

于是,社会进入了全新的形态 – 透明社会。

4. 透明社会


当代公共话语中没有哪个词比“透明”(Transparenz)更高高在上,地位超然。人们对它孜孜以求,这首先与信息自由息息相关。 Today the word “transparency” is haunting all spheres of life—not just politics but economics, too. More democracy, more freedom of information, and more efficiency are expected of transparency.


在展示社会中,每一个主体都是自己的广告对象。过度的展示将一切变成商品,“没有丝毫秘密,转瞬即被吞噬”的商品。 In the society of exhibition, every subject is also its own advertising object. The excess of display turns everything into a commodity; possessing “no secret,” it stands “doomed to immediate devouring.”


人们自愿将自己交付给全景注视,他们通过自我暴露和自我展示,主动为数字化全景监狱添砖加瓦。这里的囚犯既是加害者,也是受害者。 People are voluntarily surrendering to the panoptic gaze. They deliberately collaborate in the digital panopticon by denuding and exhibiting themselves. The prisoner in the digital panopticon is a perpetrator and a victim at the same time.

5. 倦怠社会


世界向肯定性发展,由此产生了新的暴力形式。它们不来自免疫学式他者,而源于系统内部。正是基于它的内在性,免疫反应对它失去效力。这种神经暴力将导致精神上的梗阻,是一种内在的恐怖。它完全有别于那种由免疫学的他者引起的恐慌 The positivation of the world allows new forms of violence to emerge. They do not stem from the immunologically Other. Rather, they are immanent in the system itself. Because of this immanence, they do not involve immune defense. Neuronal violence leading to psychic infarctions is a terror of immanence.


集体复合性的肯定句“是的,我们可以办到!”恰当地表达了功绩社会的积极属性。禁令、戒律和法规失去主导地位,取而代之的是种种项目计划、自发行动和内在动机。规训社会尚由否定主导,它的否定性制造出疯人和罪犯。与之相反,功绩社会则生产抑郁症患者和厌世者。 Its plural form—the affirmation, “Yes, we can”—epitomizes achievement society’s positive orientation. Prohibitions, commandments, and the law are replaced by projects, initiatives, and motivation. Disciplinary society is still governed by no. Its negativity produces madmen and criminals. In contrast, achievement society creates depressives and losers.


工作和效绩的过度化日益严重,直到发展成一种自我剥削。这比外在的剥削更有效率,因为它伴随着一种自由的感觉。剥削者同时是被剥削者。施虐者和受害者之间不分彼此。这种自我指涉性产生了一种悖论式自由,由于其内部固有的强制结构而转化为暴力。功绩社会的精神疾病,便是这种悖论式自由在病理学上的显现。 Excess work and performance escalate into auto-exploitation. This is more efficient than allo-exploitation, for the feeling of freedom attends it. The exploiter is simultaneously the exploited. Perpetrator and victim can no longer be distinguished. Such self-referentiality produces a paradoxical freedom that abruptly switches over into violence because of the compulsive structures dwelling within it. The psychic indispositions of achievement society are pathological manifestations of such a paradoxical freedom.

6. 爱欲之死


导致爱情危机的不仅仅是对他者的选择增多,也是他者本身的消亡。这一现象几乎发生在当今时代所有的生活领域,伴随着个体的“自恋”情结的加深。他者的消亡其实是一个充满张力的过程,不幸的是,它的发生并未引起人们的关注。 The crisis of love does not derive from too many others so much as from the erosion of the Other. This erosion is occurring in all spheres of life; its corollary is the mounting narcissification of the Self. In fact, the vanishing of the Other is a dramatic process— even though, fatefully enough, it largely escapes notice.


爱欲会激发一种自愿的忘我和自我牺牲。一种衰弱的感觉向坠入爱河的人的心头袭来,但同时一种变强的感觉接踵而至。这种双重的感觉不是“自我”营造的,而是他者的馈赠(Gabe des Anderen)。 Eros, in contrast, makes possible experience of the Other’s otherness, which leads the One out of a narcissistic inferno. It sets into motion freely willed self-renunciation, freely willed self-evacuation. A singular process of weakening lays hold of the subject of love—which, however, is accompanied by a feeling of strength. This feeling is not the achievement of the One, but the gift of the Other.

7. 针对韩炳哲思想的批判


在齐泽克 2020 年出版的新书《Pandemic!: COVID-19 Shakes the World》中,针锋相对地对韩炳哲的上述论述提出质疑,这本书的第二章,标题即为“Why we are tired all the time?”


而关于社会是否正在变得越来越透明,在《Transparency and the Open Society》一书也提出了不同观点,信息技术的发展让普通人拥有了向公众发表自己看法的渠道和权力,普通人能够接触到更多的数据,这无疑是社会变得透明的体现,但从另一方面来看,随着大数据、人工智能等技术的发展,机构和企业能够掌握的数据正在呈几何级数式增长,与此相比,社会中个体能够接触到的数据的量级显得微不足道,同时,个体的信息处理能力千百年来并没有发生任何改变,于是,限于人脑的加工处理能力,实际上,个体能够了解和理解的事实并没有随着信息化的到来发生飞跃,而随着机构和企业对于社会隐私数据的掌控甚至垄断,社会的不透明程度实际上是加深了。

8. 总结


