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2023-02-18 16:30:36 时间

再次回顾一下这个2022年9月发表在science杂志的单细胞文章:《Lineage plasticity in prostate cancer depends on JAK/STAT inflammatory signaling》,前面关于它的解读见:单细胞转录组定量的时候需要修改参考基因组,是一个开放性讨论。


  • WT (9 mice),
  • PtR (7 mice, PbCre:Rosa26mT/mGPtenfl/flRb1fl/fl),
  • PtRP (13 mice, PbCre: Rosa26mT/mGPtenfl/flRb1fl/flTrp53fl/fl)


GSM6428986 Wild-Type 12 Wks Replicate 1, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428987 Wild-Type 12 Wks Replicate 2, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428988 Wild-Type 24 Wks Replicate 1, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428989 Wild-Type 24 Wks Replicate 2, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428990 Wild-Type 24 Wks Replicate 3, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428991 Wild-Type 32 Wks Replicate 1, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428992 Wild-Type 32 Wks Replicate 2, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428993 Wild-Type 32 Wks Replicate 3, Intact (no castration or DHT)
GSM6428994 Wild-Type 8 Wks Replicate 1, Intact (no castration or DHT)

全部的数据在:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE210358 ,也很容易下载表达量矩阵的txt或者csv文件自己分析一波。




  • WT includes luminal 1, luminal 2, and basal.
  • Mutant cell types include adenocarcinoma, Tff3-Gfp, Pou2f3-Gfp, Vim-Gfp, and NEPC.



值得注意是的文献并没有使用大家熟悉的monocle进行拟时序分析,首先是因为本文绝大部分分析都是基于Python,这个时候它的工具是 Palantir ,后续有机会可以写这个Palantir工具的用法:

顺理成章的解读这个Palantir工具的运行 结果 :

  • We next considered the putative transition from adenocarcinoma to NEPC given its clinical relevance to acquired resistance. Lacking lineage tracing confirmation,
  • we conducted further analysis on the structure of the neighbor-graph to help support adenocarcinoma as a more likely source of NEPC than any other subpopulation like Vim-Gfp.

虽然这里面没有加上拟时序箭头,但是也可以看到 NEPC 是终点事件,但是它有可能是来自于adenocarcinoma 这个单细胞亚群,也有可能是来自于 Vim-Gfp 这个单细胞亚群。

而这个Palantir工具有一个优点就是:Line plot of multi-scale diffusion distance between consecutive cells along the shortest path between start and end cells identified by Palantir

计算不同两个可能的单细胞亚群起点到这个NEPC 终点事件的路径,从而选择最合适的发育顺序。如下所示:

multi-scale diffusion distance

既然确定了NEPC是由adenocarcinoma演变过来的, 接下来就关心 adenocarcinoma-to-NEPC transition 这个过程,所以细化一下仅仅是针对 adenocarcinoma和NEPC 进行拟时序:

仅仅是针对 adenocarcinoma和NEPC 进行拟时序
