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7.4. Go SDK API描述

7.4.1. 用户与链交互接口

// SimContextCommon common context
type SimContextCommon interface {
	// Arg get arg from transaction parameters, as:  arg1, code := ctx.Arg("arg1")
	Arg(key string) ([]byte, ResultCode)
	// Arg get arg from transaction parameters, as:  arg1, code := ctx.ArgString("arg1")
	ArgString(key string) (string, ResultCode)
	// Args return args
	Args() []*EasyCodecItem
	// Log record log to chain server
	Log(msg string)
	// SuccessResult record the execution result of the transaction, multiple calls will override
	SuccessResult(msg string)
	// SuccessResultByte record the execution result of the transaction, multiple calls will override
	SuccessResultByte(msg []byte)
	// ErrorResult record the execution result of the transaction. multiple calls will append. Once there is an error, it cannot be called success method
	ErrorResult(msg string)
	// CallContract cross contract call
	CallContract(contractName string, method string, param map[string][]byte) ([]byte, ResultCode)
	// GetCreatorOrgId get tx creator org id
	GetCreatorOrgId() (string, ResultCode)
	// GetCreatorRole get tx creator role
	GetCreatorRole() (string, ResultCode)
	// GetCreatorPk get tx creator pk
	GetCreatorPk() (string, ResultCode)
	// GetSenderOrgId get tx sender org id
	GetSenderOrgId() (string, ResultCode)
	// GetSenderOrgId get tx sender role
	GetSenderRole() (string, ResultCode)
	// GetSenderOrgId get tx sender pk
	GetSenderPk() (string, ResultCode)
	// GetBlockHeight get tx block height
	GetBlockHeight() (string, ResultCode)
	// GetTxId get current tx id
	GetTxId() (string, ResultCode)
	// EmitEvent emit event, you can subscribe to the event using the SDK
	EmitEvent(topic string, data ...string) ResultCode

// SimContext kv context
type SimContext interface {
	// GetState get [key+"#"+field] from chain and db
	GetState(key string, field string) (string, ResultCode)
	// GetStateByte get [key+"#"+field] from chain and db
	GetStateByte(key string, field string) ([]byte, ResultCode)
	// GetStateByte get [key] from chain and db
	GetStateFromKey(key string) ([]byte, ResultCode)
	// PutState put [key+"#"+field, value] to chain
	PutState(key string, field string, value string) ResultCode
	// PutStateByte put [key+"#"+field, value] to chain
	PutStateByte(key string, field string, value []byte) ResultCode
	// PutStateFromKey put [key, value] to chain
	PutStateFromKey(key string, value string) ResultCode
	// PutStateFromKeyByte put [key, value] to chain
	PutStateFromKeyByte(key string, value []byte) ResultCode
	// DeleteState delete [key+"#"+field] to chain
	DeleteState(key string, field string) ResultCode
	// DeleteStateFromKey delete [key] to chain
	DeleteStateFromKey(key string) ResultCode
	// NewIterator range of [startKey, limitKey), front closed back open
	NewIterator(startKey string, limitKey string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)
	// NewIteratorWithField range of [key+"#"+startField, key+"#"+limitField), front closed back open
	NewIteratorWithField(key string, startField string, limitField string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)
	// NewIteratorPrefixWithKeyField range of [key+"#"+field, key+"#"+field], front closed back closed
	NewIteratorPrefixWithKeyField(key string, field string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)
	// NewIteratorPrefixWithKey range of [key, key], front closed back closed
	NewIteratorPrefixWithKey(key string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)

// ResultSet iterator query result
type ResultSet interface {
	// NextRow get next row,
	// sql: column name is EasyCodec key, value is EasyCodec string val. as: val := ec.getString("columnName")
	// kv iterator: key/value is EasyCodec key for "key"/"value", value type is []byte. as: k, _ := ec.GetString("key") v, _ := ec.GetBytes("value")
	NextRow() (*EasyCodec, ResultCode)
	// HasNext return does the next line exist
	HasNext() bool
	// close
	Close() (bool, ResultCode)

type ResultSetKV interface {
	// Next return key,field,value,code
	Next() (string, string, []byte, ResultCode)

type SqlSimContext interface {
	// sql method
	// ExecuteQueryOne
	ExecuteQueryOne(sql string) (*EasyCodec, ResultCode)
	ExecuteQuery(sql string) (ResultSet, ResultCode)
	// #### ExecuteUpdateSql execute update/insert/delete sql
	// ##### It is best to update with primary key
	// as:
	// - update table set name = 'Tom' where uniqueKey='xxx'
	// - delete from table where uniqueKey='xxx'
	// - insert into table(id, xxx,xxx) values(xxx,xxx,xxx)
	// ### not allow:
	// - random methods: NOW() RAND() and so on
	// return: 1 Number of rows affected;2 result code
	ExecuteUpdate(sql string) (int32, ResultCode)
	// ExecuteDDLSql execute DDL sql, for init_contract or upgrade method. allow table create/alter/drop/truncate
	// ## You must have a primary key to create a table
	// ### allow:
	// - CREATE TABLE tableName
	// - ALTER TABLE tableName
	// - DROP TABLE tableName
	// - TRUNCATE TABLE tableName
	// ### not allow:
	// - CREATE TABLE dbName.tableName
	// - ALTER TABLE dbName.tableName
	// - DROP DATABASE dbName
	// - DROP TABLE dbName.tableName
	// - TRUNCATE TABLE dbName.tableName
	// not allow:
	// - random methods: NOW() RAND() and so on
	ExecuteDdl(sql string) (int32, ResultCode)


// 获取合约账户信息。该接口可从链上获取类别 “key” 下属性名为 “field” 的状态信息。
// @param key: 需要查询的key值
// @param field: 需要查询的key值下属性名为field
// @return1: 查询到的value值
// @return2: 0: success, 1: failed
func GetState(key string, field string) (string, ResultCode)


// 获取合约账户信息。该接口可以从链上获取类别为key的状态信息
// @param key: 需要查询的key值
// @return1: 查询到的值
// @return: 0: success, 1: failed
func GetStateFromKey(key string) ([]byte, ResultCode)


// 写入合约账户信息。该接口可把类别 “key” 下属性名为 “filed” 的状态更新到链上。更新成功返回0,失败则返回1。
// @param key: 需要存储的key值,注意key长度不允许超过64,且只允许大小写字母、数字、下划线、减号、小数点符号
// @param field: 需要存储的key值下属性名为field,注意field长度不允许超过64,且只允许大小写字母、数字、下划线、减号、小数点符号
// @param value: 需要存储的value值,注意存储的value字节长度不能超过200
// @return: 0: success, 1: failed
func PutState(key string, field string, value string) ResultCode


// 写入合约账户信息。
// @param key: 需要存储的key值
// @param value: 需要存储的value值
// @return: 0: success, 1: failed
func PutStateFromKey(key string, value string) ResultCode


// 删除合约账户信息。该接口可把类别 “key” 下属性名为 “name” 的状态从链上删除。
// @param key: 需要删除的key值
// @param field: 需要删除的key值下属性名为field
// @return: 0: success, 1: failed
func DeleteState(key string, field string) ResultCode {}


// 跨合约调用。
// @param contractName 合约名称
// @param method 合约方法
// @param param 参数
// @return 0:合约返回结果, 1:合约执行结果
func CallContract(contractName string, method string, param map[string][]byte) ([]byte, ResultCode) {}


// 该接口调用 getArgsMap() 接口,把 json 格式的数据反序列化,并将解析出的数据返还给用户。
// @return: 返回值类型为*EasyCodecItem数组
func Args() []*EasyCodecItem {}  


// 该接口可返回属性名为 “key” 的参数的属性值。
// @param key: 获取的参数名
// @return: 获取的参数值,结果返回值
func Arg(key string) ([]byte, ResultCode) {}  


// 该接口可记录用户操作成功的信息,并将操作结果记录到链上。
// @param msg: 成功信息
func SuccessResult(msg string) {}  


// 该接口可记录用户操作失败的信息,并将操作结果记录到链上。
// @param msg: 失败信息
func ErrorResult(msg string) {}


// 该接口可记录事件日志。查看方式为在链配置的log.yml中,开启vm:debug即可看到类似:gasm log>> + msg
// @param msg: 事件信息
func LogMessage(msg string) {}


// 获取合约创建者所属组织ID
// @return: 合约创建者的组织ID,结果返回值
func GetCreatorOrgId() (string, ResultCode) {}  


// 获取合约创建者角色
// @return: 合约创建者的角色,结果返回值
func GetCreatorRole() (string, ResultCode) {}  


// 获取合约创建者公钥
// @return: 合约创建者的公钥,结果返回值
func GetCreatorPk() (string, ResultCode) {} 


// 获取交易发起者所属组织ID
// @return: 交易发起者的组织ID,结果返回值
func GetSenderOrgId() (string, ResultCode) {}  


// 获取交易发起者角色
// @return: 交易发起者角色,结果返回值
func GetSenderRole() (string, ResultCode) {} 


// 获取交易发起者公钥
// @return 交易发起者的公钥,结果返回值
func GetSenderPk() (string, ResultCode) {}  


// 获取当前区块高度
// @return: 当前块高度,结果返回值
func GetBlockHeight() (string, ResultCode) {} 


// 获取交易ID
// @return 交易ID,结果返回值
func GetTxId() (string, ResultCode) {}


// 发送合约事件
// @param topic: 合约事件主题
// @data ...: 可变参数,合约事件数据,参数数量不可大于16,不可小于1。
func EmitEvent(topic string, data ...string) ResultCode {}


// NewIterator range of [startKey, limitKey), front closed back open
// 新建key范围迭代器,key前闭后开,即:startKey <= dbkey < limitKey
// @param startKey: 开始的key
// @param limitKey: 结束的key
// @return: 结果集游标
NewIterator(startKey string, limitKey string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)
// NewIteratorWithField range of [key+"#"+startField, key+"#"+limitField), front closed back open
// 新建field范围迭代器,key需相同,field前闭后开,即:key = dbdbkey and startField <= dbfield < limitField
// @param key: 固定key
// @param startField: 开始的field
// @param limitField: 结束的field
// @return: 结果集游标
NewIteratorWithField(key string, startField string, limitField string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)
// NewIteratorPrefixWithKey range of [key, key], front closed back closed
// 新建指定key前缀匹配迭代器,key需前缀一致,即dbkey.startWith(key)
// @param key: key前缀
// @return: 结果集游标
NewIteratorPrefixWithKey(key string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)
// NewIteratorPrefixWithKeyField range of [key+"#"+field, key+"#"+field], front closed back closed
// 新建指定field前缀匹配迭代器,key需相同,field前缀一致,即dbkey = key and dbfield.startWith(field)
// @param key: key前缀
// @param field: 指定field
// @return: 结果集游标
NewIteratorPrefixWithKeyField(key string, field string) (ResultSetKV, ResultCode)