

  • [angularjs] angularjs系列笔记(五)Service详解编程语言

    [angularjs] angularjs系列笔记(五)Service详解编程语言

    AngularJs中你可以使用自己的服务或使用内建服务,服务是一个函数或对象,以下代码试验$location服务,$http服务,$timeout服务,$intverval服务,创建自定义服务   body div ng-app="Home" div ng-controller="Index" 显示当前url p {{myUrl}} /p /div

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • AngularJS之Provider, Value, Constant, Service, Factory, Decorator的区别与详解

    AngularJS之Provider, Value, Constant, Service, Factory, Decorator的区别与详解

    本文转载自http://camnpr.com/javascript/1693.html 首先,provider, value, constant, service, factory他们都是provider!(decorator小朋友先搬个小板凳坐在边上等会儿,现在还没轮到你出场哈~) 一、provider是干啥的? provider可以为应用提供通用的服务,形式可以是常量,也可以是对象。比如我们

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • AngularJS学习---REST和自定义服务(REST and Custom Services) ngResource step 11

    AngularJS学习---REST和自定义服务(REST and Custom Services) ngResource step 11

    1.切换目录 git checkout step-11 npm start 2.效果图 效果图和step 10的没有什么差别,这里主要的改动都是代码,代码做了很多优化,这里效果图就不再贴出来了. 3.实现代码 step-10和step-11之间的差别:https://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat/compare/step-10...step-11 D

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Using $parse Service

    [AngularJS] Using $parse Service

    $parse is useful when you want to parse an expression and the context is not defined yet.   For example, I have a table component which allows user to pass in all the row items and define action

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- value & Providers

    [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- value & Providers

      Creating a Value Object Sometimes you have javascript object defined: //value object var droidValue = { name: '', speak: function () { return "Hi I am " +

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- Service vs Factory

    [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- Service vs Factory

      Creating a Service: Before actual create an angular service, first create a constructor in Javascript: //constructor function function DroidService() { this.name = ''; }

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] AngularJS $cacheFactory service

    [AngularJS] AngularJS $cacheFactory service

    Angular's $cacheFactory can be used on its own or to customize the behavior of $http calls. This lesson introduces the API and shows how to integrate $cacheFactory into your project. Link   ang

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Using Services in Angular Directives

    [AngularJS] Using Services in Angular Directives

    Directives have dependencies too, and you can use dependency injection to provide services for your directives to use.   Bad: If you want to use <alert> in another controller or page, you

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Accessing Services from Console

    [AngularJS] Accessing Services from Console

    Using the Chrome console, you can access your AngularJS injectable services. This is down and dirty debugging, and can be a lifesaver in troubling times. You can get services/factories in console by

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Best Practise - Factory & Services

    [AngularJS] Best Practise - Factory & Services

    Services:   Services are instantiated and should be class-like also and reference the this keyword, keep function style consistent with everything else. Good: function SomeService ()

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] $resource service in AngularJS Data Modeling Series:

    [AngularJS] $resource service in AngularJS Data Modeling Series:

    The returned resource object has action methods which provide high-level behaviors without the need to interact with the low level $http service. 也就是说当用用$resource所取得的返回值是个对象,这个对象可以调用在$resou

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] transform in  $http services

    [AngularJS] transform in $http services

    transform is used to format json or whatever return from the server.  Usage:  Profile.factories = angular.module("profileFactories", []); Profile.factories.factory('Skills', ['$http', '$q

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS]25. Built-in Angular Services

    [AngularJS]25. Built-in Angular Services

    We can use this built in $http Service to make requests to a server(or in our case a json file). Give our StoreController access to the products using a service. Pass our store controller the $http S

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • AngularJS Provider,Service,Factory

    AngularJS Provider,Service,Factory

    provider是干啥的? provider可以为应用提供通用的服务,形式可以是常量,也可以是对象。 比如我们在controller里常用的$http就是AngularJS框架提供的provider  provider的基本原则就是通过实现$get方法来在应用中注入单例,使用的时候拿到的age就是$get执行后的结果。 上面例子中的两种定义方法都可以 factory app.contro

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • AngularJS学习---REST和自定义服务(REST and Custom Services) ngResource step 11

    AngularJS学习---REST和自定义服务(REST and Custom Services) ngResource step 11

    1.切换目录 git checkout step-11 npm start 2.效果图 效果图和step 10的没有什么差别,这里主要的改动都是代码,代码做了很多优化,这里效果图就不再贴出来了. 3.实现代码 step-10和step-11之间的差别:https://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat/compare/step-10...step-11 D

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Using $parse Service

    [AngularJS] Using $parse Service

    $parse is useful when you want to parse an expression and the context is not defined yet.   For example, I have a table component which allows user to pass in all the row items and define action

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- value & Providers

    [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- value & Providers

      Creating a Value Object Sometimes you have javascript object defined: //value object var droidValue = { name: '', speak: function () { return "Hi I am " +

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- Service vs Factory

    [AngularJS] Services, Factories, and Providers -- Service vs Factory

      Creating a Service: Before actual create an angular service, first create a constructor in Javascript: //constructor function function DroidService() { this.name = ''; }

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] AngularJS $cacheFactory service

    [AngularJS] AngularJS $cacheFactory service

    Angular's $cacheFactory can be used on its own or to customize the behavior of $http calls. This lesson introduces the API and shows how to integrate $cacheFactory into your project. Link   ang

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Using Services in Angular Directives

    [AngularJS] Using Services in Angular Directives

    Directives have dependencies too, and you can use dependency injection to provide services for your directives to use.   Bad: If you want to use <alert> in another controller or page, you

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Accessing Services from Console

    [AngularJS] Accessing Services from Console

    Using the Chrome console, you can access your AngularJS injectable services. This is down and dirty debugging, and can be a lifesaver in troubling times. You can get services/factories in console by

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] Best Practise - Factory & Services

    [AngularJS] Best Practise - Factory & Services

    Services:   Services are instantiated and should be class-like also and reference the this keyword, keep function style consistent with everything else. Good: function SomeService ()

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] transform in  $http services

    [AngularJS] transform in $http services

    transform is used to format json or whatever return from the server.  Usage:  Profile.factories = angular.module("profileFactories", []); Profile.factories.factory('Skills', ['$http', '$q

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS] $resource service in AngularJS Data Modeling Series:

    [AngularJS] $resource service in AngularJS Data Modeling Series:

    The returned resource object has action methods which provide high-level behaviors without the need to interact with the low level $http service. 也就是说当用用$resource所取得的返回值是个对象,这个对象可以调用在$resou

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AngularJS]25. Built-in Angular Services

    [AngularJS]25. Built-in Angular Services

    We can use this built in $http Service to make requests to a server(or in our case a json file). Give our StoreController access to the products using a service. Pass our store controller the $http S

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • 通过angularjs的directive以及service来实现的列表页加载排序分页


      前两篇:(列表页的动态条件搜索,我是如何做列表页的)分别介绍了我们是如何做后端业务系统数据展示类的列表页以及动态搜索的,那么还剩下最重要的一项:数据展示。数据展示一般包含三部分:   数据列头   数据行   分页统计信息,分页导航   技术依赖项:基于angularjs的MVVM模式,后台是spring mvc。   数据表格

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • AngularJS in Action读书笔记3——走近Services

    AngularJS in Action读书笔记3——走近Services

      试着想想这些问题:如果一个controller只关心自己所控制的view页面,那么对于整个application来说,你如何调用想要的function;如果controller从来都不会和其他controller通讯,那controller之间又是如何实现数据共享。有问题,就有解决方案,本章主要讲解如何创建一个简单的service并如何使用它和远端的server通讯。   什么是m

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • AngularJS之Service(四)


    前言 前面我们讲了控制器、过滤器以及指令,这一节我们来讲讲重大内容之一服务和其中涉及到的工厂。 话题 AngularJS中服务可以说是和DI紧密联系在一起,在应用程序中我们可以通过使用服务来共享代码,服务可以被延迟实例化,为何这样说,在Angular内置的服务或者我们自定义的服务只有在注入才能被实例化,同时也就意味着当我们应用程序需要依赖于服务这一组件时才会被实例化,Angular中的服务是一个

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40