
[AWS - DA] S3

  • MySQL Error number: MY-011425; Symbol: ER_KEYRING_AWS_FAILED_TO_ACCESS_DATA_FILE; SQLSTATE: HY000  报错 故障修复 远程处理

    MySQL Error number: MY-011425; Symbol: ER_KEYRING_AWS_FAILED_TO_ACCESS_DATA_FILE; SQLSTATE: HY000 报错 故障修复 远程处理

    MySQL Error number: MY-011425; Symbol: ER_KEYRING_AWS_FAILED_TO_ACCESS_DATA_FILE; SQLSTATE: HY000 报错 故障修复 远程处理 文档解释 Error number: MY-011425; Symbol: ER_KEYRING_AWS_FAILED_TO_ACCESS_DATA_FILE; SQL

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - Solution Architect] Solution Architect for Database

    [AWS - Solution Architect] Solution Architect for Database

    Relational database running on MySQL must be migrated to AWS and must be highly avaiable? Use RDS MySQL and conigure a multi-AZ standby node for HA.   Amazon RDS DB has high query traffic that i

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] Advanced Identity

    [AWS - DA] Advanced Identity

    AWS STS - Security Token Service Allows to grant limited and temporary access to AWS resource (up to 1 hour) AssumeRole: Assume roles within your account or cross account GetSessionToken: for MFA, f

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS Lambda] Convert a Express node.js app to serverless

    [AWS Lambda] Convert a Express node.js app to serverless

    Install new dependencies In a folder with the serverless project run the following commands to add new dependencies: npm install --save aws-serverless-express npm install --save express express 

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] Step function & AppSync

    [AWS - DA] Step function & AppSync

    ResultPath: "$.error": add error prop to the output: Input: {foo: 'bar'} ->. output: {foo: 'bar', error: {...}}   Real-time offline sync

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] CLI & Policies

    [AWS - DA] CLI & Policies

    AWS CLI Credentials Provider Chain The CLI will look for credentials in this order Command line options --region, --output, and --profile Environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] Elastic Load Balancer

    [AWS - DA] Elastic Load Balancer

    "warm-up" for LB to boot faster 503 error for capacity or not registered target   Support HTTP redirects to HTTPS at ALB level ALB works with ECS     NLB has one static I

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] ECS, ECR, Fargate

    [AWS - DA] ECS, ECR, Fargate

    ECS Steps to create a ECS Create Cluster: EC2 Linux + Networking When you created ECS cluster, it comes with Auto Scaling Group, and with ASG, it comes with EC2 instances. Also created Launch

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA Guru] S3

    [AWS DA Guru] S3

    S3 File Size Single S3 Object can range in size from 0 bytes to 5TB Largest object that can be uploaded in a single PUT request is 5GB For Objects larger than 100MB, customers should consider using

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] VPC

    [AWS - DA] VPC

    VPC & Subnets VPC: private network to deploy your resources (regional resource) Subnets: partition your network inside your VPC (AZ resource) Public subnet: able to access internet Private subnet

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS

    [AWS - DA] AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS

    SQS Decouple applications unlimited throughput, unlimited number of messages in queue 4 days retention of message, max 14 days 256KB size per message can have dulicate message (at least once deliver

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA] Database types & SSL

    [AWS DA] Database types & SSL

    You can let AWS to create a SSL certificates for you and manage for you by using AWS Cetrficate Manager. Basicly it allows you to use HTTPS.

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

    [AWS DA] API Gateway and Lambda Stage variable

      1. First, create a Lambda function call `lambdav1` 2. Create three alias PROD, TEST, DEV For each alias, you can modify the response body code, so that you are able to tell which alias curre

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA Guru] SQS

    [AWS DA Guru] SQS

    Pull-Based SQS is pull-based, not pushed-based 256KB Messages are 256 KB in size. Text Data Including XML, JSON, and unformatted text. Guarantee Messages will be processed at least once Up to 14 Days

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA Guru] Kinesis

    [AWS DA Guru] Kinesis

    Overview Kinesis Streams Streaming data and video in real-time Kinesis Data Firehose Data analytics with BI tools Kinesis Data Analytics Real-time data analytics with SQL   Kinesis Streams Ha

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS] Updating Elastic Beans Talks & RDS

    [AWS] Updating Elastic Beans Talks & RDS

      All at once Deploys to all instances simultaneously. You will experience a total outage. Not ideal for mission-critical production system. Rolling back: another outage to get back to the pre

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA - Cloud Fundamentals] 2.5 Networking & Elasticity

    [AWS DA - Cloud Fundamentals] 2.5 Networking & Elasticity

    Route 53 Route 53 is a cloud domain name system (DNS) service that has servers distributed around the globe used to translates human-readable names like www.google.com into the numeric IP a

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS] Lab - Create and execute a Lambda

    [AWS] Lab - Create and execute a Lambda

    Compute Power in the Cloud In this hands-on exercise, you will write your first Lambda function using Node.js. Prerequisites: AWS account An Amazon S3 bucket is required for this trigger to

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] RDS

    [AWS - DA] RDS

    Running DB instnace as a mulit-az deployment can further reduce the implace of a mainatenance event becasue Amazon RDS applies operating system updates by following these steps Perform maintenanc

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS - DA] S3

    [AWS - DA] S3

    Overview Object values are the content of body: Max Object Size 5TB (5000GB) If uploading more than 5GB, must use "multi-part upload" Metadata (list of text key /value pairs) Tags (to to 10) Vers

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA] AWS CICD: CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy

    [AWS DA] AWS CICD: CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy

    Overview CodeCommit: storing code CodePipeline: automating our pipeline from code to ElasticBeanstalk CodeBuild: building and testing our code CodeDeploy: deploying the code to EC2 fleets (not Beans

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA Guru] S3

    [AWS DA Guru] S3

    S3 File Size Single S3 Object can range in size from 0 bytes to 5TB Largest object that can be uploaded in a single PUT request is 5GB For Objects larger than 100MB, customers should consider using

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA] Database types & SSL

    [AWS DA] Database types & SSL

    You can let AWS to create a SSL certificates for you and manage for you by using AWS Cetrficate Manager. Basicly it allows you to use HTTPS.

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA] API Gateway: Mapping Templates

    [AWS DA] API Gateway: Mapping Templates

      What does it means? For example, if we have setup a API Gateway, REST API, GET method point to a Lambda function with no proxy intergration which return: { "statusCode": 200, "body": "\"

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS] ElasticSearch, Sync data between DynamoDB and ElasticSearch by using DyanmoDB Stream

    [AWS] ElasticSearch, Sync data between DynamoDB and ElasticSearch by using DyanmoDB Stream

    Full-Text Search Find images by names What this usually means Support search by any field Tolerate typos Support highlight Rank search result So when we upload a image, we save the information i

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS] Using APIGateway to validate API request

    [AWS] Using APIGateway to validate API request

    The logic is following: When APIGateway get a request, will check it against a JSON schema, if it failed, return 400, otherwise forward to Lambda. Read: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/l

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS DA Guru] Kinesis

    [AWS DA Guru] Kinesis

    Overview Kinesis Streams Streaming data and video in real-time Kinesis Data Firehose Data analytics with BI tools Kinesis Data Analytics Real-time data analytics with SQL   Kinesis Streams Ha

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     


    Web Identity Federation Simplifies authentication and authorization for web applications.  An Authentication token JWT is exchanged for temporary AWS credentials, allowing users to assume an IAM

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS] Lab: Lambda - build a Chaos monkey

    [AWS] Lab: Lambda - build a Chaos monkey

    Solution Outline To run our function we use a service called CloudWatch, which periodically generates events. Those events are sent to the Lambda function, and on each event, the Lambda function gets

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [AWS] Lambda Invocation types

    [AWS] Lambda Invocation types

    There are two types of invocation for Lambda: Request/Response Asynchronous invoaction   Demo by using AWS CLI: Request/Response aws lambda invoke --function-name hello-world \ --invocation-t

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Serverless CLI + AWS] Get started with Serverless and AWS lambda

    [Serverless CLI + AWS] Get started with Serverless and AWS lambda

    Serverless AWS lambda Config serverless with aws serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <ACCESS_KEY_AWS> --secret <SECRET_KEY_AWS> Init project serverless create --template a

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40