

  • react-navigation重复点击多次跳转的解决方案


    大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 废话在react-native@0.44版本之后,官方废弃了之前的导航Navigator,用react-navigation 替代react-natvigation于2017年1月份开源,在3个月时间内,GitHub上star数达4000+,备受推崇,由于其性能体验堪比原生,而且使用方便,最后被FB钦点为“御用导航”但是在使用过程中还是发现了一个问题:

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • React-Navigation Integration with Redux

    React-Navigation Integration with Redux

    React-Navigation Integration with Redux Dependencies Main Navigation Components Reducers Example Actions Example Actual Usage in Container Components React-Navigation Integration with Redux Dependenci

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [React Router] Prevent Navigation with the React Router Prompt Component

    [React Router] Prevent Navigation with the React Router Prompt Component

    In this lesson we'll show how to setup the Prompt component from React Router. We'll prompt with a static message, as well as a dynamic method with the message as a function. Finally we'll show that

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [React Router v4] Use the React Router v4 Link Component for Navigation Between Routes

    [React Router v4] Use the React Router v4 Link Component for Navigation Between Routes

    If you’ve created several Routes within your application, you will also want to be able to navigate between them. React Router supplies a Link component that you will use to make this happen. Import

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • react-native新导航组件react-navigation详解



    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [React Router] Prevent Navigation with the React Router Prompt Component

    [React Router] Prevent Navigation with the React Router Prompt Component

    In this lesson we'll show how to setup the Prompt component from React Router. We'll prompt with a static message, as well as a dynamic method with the message as a function. Finally we'll show that

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [React Router v4] Use the React Router v4 Link Component for Navigation Between Routes

    [React Router v4] Use the React Router v4 Link Component for Navigation Between Routes

    If you’ve created several Routes within your application, you will also want to be able to navigate between them. React Router supplies a Link component that you will use to make this happen. Import

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • react-native新导航组件react-navigation详解



    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • react-navigation 页面跳转 及 传参

    react-navigation 页面跳转 及 传参

    1.配置路由 export const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator ( { Guide: { // 引导页 screen: GuidePage }, Launch: { // 启动页 screen: LaunchPage }, Login: { // 登录页 screen

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • react-navigation-easy-helper


    本组件旨在不更改源码情况下,简单配置即可实现一些复杂的功能。如在任意位置进行跳转、根据路由名字返回指定页面、简化参数的获取、快速点击的拦截、统一页面跳转的拦截等。 安装: npm install react-navigation-easy-helper --save or yarn add react-navigation-easy-helper 使用: import {con

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • react-navigation + react-native-vector-icons

    react-navigation + react-native-vector-icons

    1.安装 yarn add react-navigation react-native-vector-icons 2.创建 root.js import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {createStackNavigator} from 'react-navigation' import Tab from './scene/Web/Bu

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • react-navigation 实战

    react-navigation 实战

    npm install --save react-navigation 1.测试TabNavigator、StackNavigator和DrawerNavigator (1)新建HomeScreen.js /** * 主页面 */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View,

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • react-navigation


    一、开源库介绍 react-navigation据称有原生般的性能体验效果。 该库包含三类组件: (1)StackNavigator:用来跳转页面和传递参数 (2)TabNavigator:类似底部导航栏,用来在同一屏幕下切换不同界面 (3)DrawerNavigator:侧滑菜单导航栏,用于轻松设置带抽屉导航的屏幕   二、react-navigation使用 具体内容大致

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • React-Native 之 GD (二十)removeClippedSubviews / modal放置的顺序 / Android 加载git图动图 / 去除 Android 中输入框的下划线 / navigationBar

    React-Native 之 GD (二十)removeClippedSubviews / modal放置的顺序 / Android 加载git图动图 / 去除 Android 中输入框的下划线 / navigationBar

    1.removeClippedSubviews 用于提升大列表的滚动性能。需要给行容器添加样式overflow:’hidden’。(Android已默认添加此样式)此属性默认开启 这个属性是因为在早期 ListView 在数据到达一定程度的时候就会越来越卡,最终导致 APP 崩溃退出,使用这个属性后 APP 崩溃确实在一定程度上得到缓解,但是卡顿问题还是依旧存在。 废了这么多话,这边我们就先来使

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • React Navigation 使用中遇到的问题小结

    React Navigation 使用中遇到的问题小结

    在React Native的开发中,使用到react navigation框架时遇到了不少问题。主要是安卓和iOS中相对不协调的地方,特此记录 一、Navigation Bar 使用navigationbar的时候遇到如下的问题 1.navigation bar的底部有一条黑线 本意做一个bar的颜色和页面颜色一致的页面

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • React Navigation 使用中遇到的问题小结

    React Navigation 使用中遇到的问题小结

    在React Native的开发中,使用到react navigation框架时遇到了不少问题。主要是安卓和iOS中相对不协调的地方,特此记录 一、Navigation Bar 使用navigationbar的时候遇到如下的问题 1.navigation bar的底部有一条黑线 本意做一个bar的颜色和页面颜色一致的页面

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     



    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40