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Jodd 3.3.2发布 Java常用工具包

2023-03-14 22:54:02 时间

Jodd 3.3.2 发布了,Jodd是一个普通开源Java包。你可以把Jodd想象成Java的"瑞士军刀",不仅小,锋利而且包含许多便利的功能。

Jodd 提供的功能有:

  1. 提供操作Java bean,
  2. 可以从各种数据源加载Bean,
  3. 简化JDBC的接连与代码,
  4. 剖析SQL查询,
  5. 处理时间与日期,
  6. 操作与格式化String,
  7. 搜索本地硬盘上的文件,
  8. 帮助处理Servlet请求等。


  • Lagarto is now more relaxed on invalid tags.
  • This release adds raw HTTP tools and BeanUtil.populate() methods.
  • Type converters and Convert have been refactored and improved.
  • Jerry can provide its builder for optional configuration.
  • LagartoDOMBuilder has been enhanced with many configuration properties.
  • A Lagarto DOM issue when the end of the document is reached and tags are not closed has been fixed.
  • A class FastBuffer for buffering objects has been added




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