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A clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with many remote machines

2023-03-14 22:29:34 时间
update: Allow passing command line arguments to task now.

1.What is clojure-control?

    The idea came from node-control.
    Define clusters and tasks for system administration or code deployment, then execute them on one or many remote machines.
    Clojure-control depends only on OpenSSH and clojure on the local control machine.Remote machines simply need a standard sshd daemon.

2.Quick example

Get the current date from the two machines listed in the 'mycluster'  config with a single command:

     (ns samples
     (:use [control.core :only [task cluster scp ssh begin]]))
     ;;define clusters
     (cluster :mycluster
                 :clients [
                               { :host 
"a.domain.com" :user "alogin"}
                               { :host 
"b.domain.com" :user "blogin"}
     ;;define tasks
     (task :date 
"Get date"
    ;;start running

    If saved in a file named "controls.clj",run with   

java -cp clojure.jar:clojure-contrib.jar:control-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar clojure.main controls.clj mycluster date

    Each machine execute "date" command ,and the output form the remote machine is printed to the console.Exmaple console output


    Performing mycluster
    Performing date 
for a.domain.com
    a.domain.com:ssh: date
    a.domain.com:stdout: Sun Jul 
24 19:14:09 CST 2011
    Performing date 
for b.domain.com
    b.domain.com:ssh: date
    b.domain.com:stdout: Sun Jul 
24 19:14:09 CST 2011

    Each line of output is labeled with the address of the machine the command was executed on. The actual command sent and the user used to send it is displayed. stdout and stderr output of the remote process is identified as well as the final exit code of the local ssh command.

3.How to scp files?
    Let's define a new task named deploy

  (task :deploy "scp files to remote machines"
        (scp (
"release1.tar.gz" "release2.tar.gz""/home/alogin/"))

    Then it will copy release1.tar.gz and release2.tar.gz to remote machine's /home/alogin directory.

4.Where is it?

    It's on github,https://github.com/killme2008/clojure-control

    Any suggestion or bug reports welcomed.

文章转自庄周梦蝶  ,原文发布时间2011-07-24