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《Spring 5官方文档》11集成测试 (二)

2023-03-14 10:23:40 时间

11.3 JDBC测试支持


  • countRowsInTable(..):统计给定表的行数。
  • countRowsInTableWhere(..):使用提供的where语句进行筛选统计给定表的行数。
  • deleteFromTables(..):删除特定表的全部数据。
  • deleteFromTableWhere(..):使用提供的where语句进行筛选并删除给定表的数据。
  • dropTables(..):删除指定的表。

注意AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTestsAbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests 提供了委托给前面所述的JdbcTestUtils中的方法的简便方法。


详见Section 15.8, “嵌入式数据库支持”和 ection 15.8.5, “使用嵌入式数据库测试数据访问逻辑”。

11.4 注解

11.4.1 Spring测试注解



@BootstrapWith是一个用于配置Spring TestContext框架如何引导的类级别的注解。具体地说,@BootstrapWith用于指定一个自定义的TestContextBootstrapper。请查看引导TestContext框架作进一步了解。




1 @ContextConfiguration("/test-config.xml")
2 public class XmlApplicationContextTests {
3 // class body...
4 }
1 @ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfig.class)
2 public class ConfigClassApplicationContextTests {
3 // class body...
4 }


1 @ContextConfiguration(initializers = CustomContextIntializer.class)
2 public class ContextInitializerTests {
3 // class body...
4 }


1 @ContextConfiguration(locations = "/test-context.xml", loader = CustomContextLoader.class)
2 public class CustomLoaderXmlApplicationContextTests {
3 // class body...
4 }

参阅Section 11.5.4, 上下文管理和@ContextConfiguration帮助文档作进一步了解。



1 @ContextConfiguration
2 @WebAppConfiguration("classpath:test-web-resources")
3 public class WebAppTests {
4 // class body...
5 }




1 @ContextHierarchy({
2 @ContextConfiguration("/parent-config.xml"),
3 @ContextConfiguration("/child-config.xml")
4 })
5 public class ContextHierarchyTests {
6 // class body...
7 }
1 @WebAppConfiguration
2 @ContextHierarchy({
3 @ContextConfiguration(classes = AppConfig.class),
4 @ContextConfiguration(classes = WebConfig.class)
5 })
6 public class WebIntegrationTests {
7 // class body...
8 }



@ActiveProfiles是一个用于当集成测试加载ApplicationContext的时候声明哪一个bean definition profiles被激活的类级别的注解。

1 @ContextConfiguration
2 @ActiveProfiles("dev")
3 public class DeveloperTests {
4 // class body...
5 }
1 @ContextConfiguration
2 @ActiveProfiles({"dev", "integration"})
3 public class DeveloperIntegrationTests {
4 // class body...
5 }
@ActiveProfiles默认为继承激活的在超类声明的 bean definition profiles提供支持。通过实现一个自定义的 ActiveProfilesResolver并通过@ActiveProfiles的resolver属性来注册它的编程的方式来解决激活bean definition profiles问题也是可行的。






1 @ContextConfiguration
2 @TestPropertySource("/test.properties")
3 public class MyIntegrationTests {
4 // class body...
5 }


@TestPropertySource(properties = { “timezone = GMT”, “port: 4242″ })
public class MyIntegrationTests {
// class body…





  • 当在一个类中声明并将类模式设为BEFORE_CLASS,则在当前测试类之前。
1 @DirtiesContext(classMode = BEFORE_CLASS)
2 public class FreshContextTests {
3 // some tests that require a new Spring container
4 }
  • 当在一个类中声明并将类模式设为AFTER_CLASS(也就是,默认的类模式),则在当前测试类之后。
1 @DirtiesContext
2 public class ContextDirtyingTests {
3 // some tests that result in the Spring container being dirtied
4 }
  • 当在一个类中声明并将类模式设为BEFORE_EACH_TEST_METHOD,则在当前测试类的每个方法之前。
1 @DirtiesContext(classMode = BEFORE_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
2 public class FreshContextTests {
3 // some tests that require a new Spring container
4 }
  • 当在一个类中声明并将类模式设为AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD,则在当前测试类的每个方法之后。
1 @DirtiesContext(classMode = AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
2 public class ContextDirtyingTests {
3 // some tests that result in the Spring container being dirtied
4 }
  • 当在一个方法中声明并将方法模式设为BEFORE_METHOD,则在当前方法之前。
1 @DirtiesContext(methodMode = BEFORE_METHOD)
2 @Test
3 public void testProcessWhichRequiresFreshAppCtx() {
4 // some logic that requires a new Spring container
5 }
  • 当在一个方法中声明并将方法模式设为AFTER_METHOD(也就是说,默认的方法模式),则在当前方法之后。
1 @DirtiesContext
2 @Test
3 public void testProcessWhichDirtiesAppCtx() {
4 // some logic that results in the Spring container being dirtied
5 }


01 @ContextHierarchy({
02 @ContextConfiguration("/parent-config.xml"),
03 @ContextConfiguration("/child-config.xml")
04 })
05 public class BaseTests {
06 // class body...
07 }
09 public class ExtendedTests extends BaseTests {
11 @Test
12 @DirtiesContext(hierarchyMode = CURRENT_LEVEL)
13 public void test() {
14 // some logic that results in the child context being dirtied
15 }
16 }




1 @ContextConfiguration
2 @TestExecutionListeners({CustomTestExecutionListener.class, AnotherTestExecutionListener.class})
3 public class CustomTestExecutionListenerTests {
4 // class body...
5 }




1 @Commit
2 @Test
3 public void testProcessWithoutRollback() {
4 // ...
5 }


@Rollback指明当测试方法执行完毕的时候是否对事务性方法中的事务进行回滚。如果为true,则进行回滚;否则,则提交(请参加@Commit)。在Spring TestContext框架中,集成测试默认的Rollback语义为true,即使你不显示的指定它。


public void testProcessWithoutRollback() {
// …



void beforeTransaction() {
// logic to be executed before a transaction is started



void afterTransaction() {
// logic to be executed after a transaction has ended



1 @Test
2 @Sql({"/test-schema.sql", "/test-user-data.sql"})
3 public void userTest {
4 // execute code that relies on the test schema and test data
5 }




1 @Test
2 @Sql(
3 scripts = "/test-user-data.sql",
4 config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`", separator = "@@")
5 )
6 public void userTest {
7 // execute code that relies on the test data
8 }



1 @Test
2 @SqlGroup({
3 @Sql(scripts = "/test-schema.sql", config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`")),
4 @Sql("/test-user-data.sql")
5 )}
6 public void userTest {
7 // execute code that uses the test schema and test data
8 }